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Posts posted by Mrlee.1986

  1. 3 hours ago, warlock said:Your point about parent/affiliates is a good one, but in my experience they're not much use below the VNS/VNN level - either they want players to join better clubs, or the players themselves think they're above your level (as applicable within FM!)

    Depends how sensible you are in your choices, if for example you’re a London based VNS side and you’re trying to get Arsenal/Chelsea players, then probably not, but if you choose a Leyton orient/afc Wimbledon level affiliate, you’ll have a lot more luck. Generally you only get players from their under 18s, but still as a rule a lot better than you currently have, and of course, saving on those wages. 

  2. 9 hours ago, warlock said:

    @HampshireIan What level are you playing now? Tier 8 or the VNS?

    Essentially you can have three types of player agreement - standard/professional contract with a guaranteed weekly wage; non-contract, which is pay-per-appearance; and amateur, which pays nothing at all.

    Below the VNS/VNN I wouldn't have any players on full-time contracts unless they were absolute stars. Some would be on a non-contract basis, and some/most as amateurs. I've just done two seasons with Durham City starting in Tier 10, and then promoted to Tier 9. In that last season my total player wages for the year were less than £9,000. I had a handful of players on £50-£120 per appearance and the rest had amateur status.

    Don't think these players are automatically rubbish, and they're certainly not "pub players". We won back-to-back titles, finished runners-up in the FA Vase in season 1, and won it in season 2. In season 2 my prize money was £23,000 for the FA Cup and £51,500 for the Vase. We finished season 2 with a net loss of £480. Our average home attendance was around 250, but we still earned £92,000 in gate receipts for the season. As @Junkheadsaid, cup runs are vital.

    The downside of non-contract and amateur players is that they move on and you get nothing. So you have to rebuild every season. Thankfully, there's plenty of decent players out there who will sign for peanuts. Or nothing. Of my second season "pub players", one signed to pro terms in Holland, three signed for VNN sides, and one went to Stockport in L2. The trick is to find the good ones when they're young, before they catch the eye of the L2 and Vanorama level clubs.

    The trick to the trick is to forget scouts and use the trial system. Every player who approaches you, offer him a trial. Same for every prospect your scouts/coaches/analysts mention. Trial them all, then try to sign the ones that can do a job for you. The ones who want full-time contracts, or more money than you can pay for non-contract terms, add them to your shortlist because in a month or two, when they still haven't found a club, their ambitions become much more realistic and  you can try again. I've had ex-Premiership youngsters accept amateur status. and plenty of 18-20-year-olds released by L1 and L2 clubs who - eventually - are happy to play for £60 or £80 appearance fees. And keep trialling throughout the season - just as players can leave for free if they want, you can get shot of them for free when you find someone better.

    +1 for this. I actually work for a club in the Isthmian premier (league below the VNS) and there are very few (if any) ‘contracted’ players in the leagues down here. Most are simply paid per appearance, expenses and/or bonus’s, and simply use football as a “second income”. Of course, as has been mentioned, that does mean you risk other clubs coming and taking your players for free. But tbh, unless you have rich owners, you’ll lose money down in these leagues pretty much every season, unless you can get lucky with a cup run. 
    oh and if you can get lucky enough to get yourself a parent club affiliate, that will help you loads. 

  3. I didn’t notice this at the time (will teach me for not paying attention to the initial contract page) But one my new signings has a promise where I will bring in ‘a friend or former team mate’ to help him settle.. any hints on how or who when the player doesn’t have anyone at all listed on his favourite personnel?
    I’ve made two more signings since then, and the promise screen still shows as ‘in progress’ 

    does it have to be someone from his former club(s) or an international team mate? 

  4. I don’t understand why they would rig it? All that would achieve is having people moaning that “they can’t win every single game so it must be rigged” or “I lost a game that I dominated so it must be fixed”
    (did anyone really expect bournemouth to thump Leicester last night? Did anyone expect Southampton to beat city last week even though the stats show city dominated (as shown in image)? 


    (I wonder if Pep blamed the Match engine for that one)

    Why would they rig the game against us, just to have people moan, so they stop playing/buying the game and the company lose money? 

    im no expert but that seems a bit of a stupid way to run a business 😐

  5. He’s probably aware that if he signs for you with no permit, he won’t be able to play anyway. So in his mind he’s probably thinking “what’s the point of signing and then not playing for however long it takes to get a permit”

    I would assume the only way to do it would be to offer a bigger contract etc and hope he gets the extra points (I can’t remember exactly what it needs but it’s all in the league rules page) 

  6. I was going to say I’ve actually never managed in Italy so I can’t really help, but I suppose going from being a top team in the league (Celtic) Down to a ‘mid-table’ team in Italy would mean a complete change in mentality.
    Although having noticed that both possession lost and assists conceded are mostly down your left side, I would be asking questions of the full back. 

  7. I get that this is a ridiculously broad question, but my team is Currently having around 15/20 shots a game but only managing 3/4 on target. Now I know it’s not going to be a “one click and fixed” scenario but is there anything I can actually do to help my players realise that they are meant to try and aim the round thing to go between the posts of the big white thing at the end of the pitch? 

  8. I’m Maidstone in national league and got approached by Macclesfield in league 2 - but seen as in the interview invite message their board told me they “wasn’t convinced by my record of taking teams away from relegation places”  I decided to decline the interview and hope I would get a good boy sticker from current club for loyalty (didn’t work, nothing was said by anyone) 

  9. Apologies in advance because I know I’ve seen this posted before, but can’t find the thread...

    I have just won promotion with 5 games to go in the current season, but when do the players realise I’ve been promoted and become interested in joining me? I’m trying to plan ahead for next season but no “better” players are interested.

    (if it makes a difference it’s promotion from vanarama south to national league with Maidstone) 

  10. With the amount of keepers you have, are you sure parts of Igor’s dof reign at Derby didn’t rub off on you a little bit? 😂

    anyway, I think cakir just edges farinez stats wise, but then performance wise you’ve probably played better with farinez in the sticks. Tough decision to make there, but for me, farinez just edges it. 

  11. Yeah I tend to agree, at least stay and achieve a ‘double double’ - if you can add the third and a decent CL run, that would ‘cement your legacy’ plus boost your rep. 
    Stay put unless you’re offered a job elsewhere and see what happens.

    Out of interest though, would you have a preference on your next move? As in a country? The top league? Bring up a Derby County? Or a completely new experience abroad?  

  12. 9 hours ago, alextheblueboy said:

    If he was born in 84 which by my reconing that makes him my age either 36 or 37 depending on the date in the game.

    However, as the contract is until 2034, he’s In at least The 2030/31 season. Which would make him the right age. 
    Plus (unless they have changed it from previous years) even if you edited the stats above 20, it would never let you save it, it would automatically put it back down to the max (20). 


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