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35 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"


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    RC Lens Researcher

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  1. Hi, On the Pedro Serna (ID:67278136) historical, i have a line of player for Rayo but i never played for Rayo. Thanks to fix!
  2. Hi, I spotted a mistake on a Ousmane Diao (Mafra) best feet. In DB, it's left foot but IRL it's right foot but with good left foot. I means 20 for right and 12 for left it's good compromise. Links: Thanks to update that!
  3. Hi, i miss the picture of player Jonathan Gradit (ID 85052254) Thanks!
  4. Hi Ali Ahamada goalkeeping attributes seems to be unrealistic, if you compare her attributes between her and Samba (GK of French national team), you see Ahamada have same or better attributes... What's more, he plays in a league where his level seems unrealistic. Thanks!
  5. effectivement, après il utilise les deux donc moins choquant mais ça sera corrigé également! Merci des remontées!
  6. Hi, I don't unterstand why Hulk have a profil (more specifically in physic attributes) of a 25 yo players indeed I have 37 yo... Thanks for the answer
  7. Ça sera fait, je te promets pas pour la sortie en novembre ça sera fait, mais maj hivernal sur ! Puis jvais plus regarder ces pieds quand il rentrera 😅
  8. Bonjour @antoin.raux, tu aurais un lien avec l'info pour le pied? Je dois avouer que j'ai pas spécialement prêté attention à son pied qu'il utilise le plus dans ses matchs avec Lens
  9. Hi, I don't have any save before 15/06/2023. I upload for my next season when i have a save!
  10. Hi, I did a lot of transfert for my Season 2 (2023/2024) but 90% appears on history 2022/2023.. (the date of validation is before 30/06) For me, it's bug because a summer period for 2023/2024 began on 15/06/2023 Thanks!
  11. Hi, In English, the 5 years plan say "Challenge for a 3F Superliga playoff place" but in french "tenter d'obtenir un place de barragiste pour la montée en 3F Superliga" who mean play-off for promotion to the 3F Super liga. I thinks "tenter d'atteindre les barrages de 3F Superliga" is the best translation Thanks
  12. i dont have any save before this events... I will upload this when this event will be arrived again in my save!
  13. Hi, I play a national team game and i have a little bug, i reveal my squad team and in the press i say "Despite calls from boy the media and the supporters for the manager to involves likes of Patrick Berg (...)there is no place in the squad for them" but is currently injury and in the other section of the message, it writen. It's an inconsistency Thanks!
  14. Hi, In my match, after the last change, one part of my team have a black tshirt and other part have a "normal" tshirt. I attach a pkm of match Thanks!
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