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32 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"


  • Biography
    -CM/FM veteran

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  • Favourite Team
    Man United

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  1. Great updates your doing a stellar job so far. Just curious to know are you getting many job offers and if so what caliber of teams are interested?
  2. Depends what you classify a "bug" to be. I think this year's early access has been bug free from my personal experience. The way I would describe a bug is something that's doesn't allow me to continue, albeit the game isn't perfect for example player interactions and ME flaws such as high volume of goals. Messing with the ME is a complex beast which could potentially have a knock on affect on other aspects of the engine.
  3. Manager and players movements are wild this year. On my Brother's save Eddie Howe is managing Crewe 😂🤷🏻‍♂️
  4. With the announcement of FM25 and the bells and whistles that came with it, I personally fear for SI, expectations are high, announcing it 2 years from release is an own goal imo. I've seen the mixed reaction to this year's title and the game hasn't officially released. I'm optimistic about the future FM titles, but remain pessimistic.
  5. I almost always start a save with minimum coaching badges and playing experience. I wonder if these two combined are contributing factors leading to dressing room revolts. I'm almost certain they play a big role when interacting with players. One new addition I've recently encountered was a board meeting, where the chairman demanded I dropped a specific player due to bad form etc, however this said player was our best forward. I dropped him for almost a month, I began to ease him back in, 3 months prior to our little Board meeting they sacked me for not following orders 🤷🏻‍♂️
  6. WTF MAN! He's our best player at the club. I had a board meeting 3 months ago stating their intentions to drop Bojan which I followed demands.
  7. Player interactions are wild. Currently managing Aberdeen and Mr Shinnie and 10 other first team players barge through my door with outrageous requests. "We need better quality in Midfield" you don't say!! £250.000 transfer budget and little to know room wage budget. Graeme take you and your little cronies to your nearest newsagents and buy yourselves a Euromillions ticket, because you've more chance winning that then us bringing in a "QUALITY MIDFIELDER" with these initial budgets! Now on your way you little bast**d. Yeah FM24 is really good loving it so far...
  8. Don't know if this is a common problem or something I'm doing wrong. When selecting Real World and adding 4-5 leagues, the game only allows me to start in the start up league, the others are greyed out 🤷🏻‍♂️
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