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Issue Comments posted by Smoo

  1. 14 minutes ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hi @Smoo

    Looking at your save you have lots of money and the IGE enabled, did you give yourself a boost in finances?

    If so, that is most likely the reason. 

    Nope, that's all transfer sales from the summer.

    Edit: In fact, I used the IGE to remove my transfer budget, because I find it highly unrealistic to have an £800m transfer budget but only £400m in the bank.

    And Wesley Fofana is now wanting a new contract, exactly the same £450k p/w. Which coincidentally is how much Reece James agreed to a few weeks prior this.

  2. Uploaded the save game "Insane contract demands"

    Cesare Casadei, actual playing time of fringe player, expects a Squad Player status, first season not out on loan and in the first team, earns £35k p/w. Demands Regular Starter and wants £450k p/w.

    Screenshot of Diogo Costa who wants £1.4m p/w. Granted he's at a Saudi club, but it's pretty stupid that a player that young and that highly rated would go to Saudi Arabia in the first place.

    Edit: Forgot to mention I am using the realism mod, don't know if that would make a difference. But these contract demands happen in unmodded saves too.

    Cesare Casadei 1.jpg

    Cesare Casadei 2.jpg

    Diogo Costa.jpg

  3. On 30/01/2023 at 14:59, Kyle Brown said:

    Do you have any source material as to what they should receive? And do they not receive any prize money in the latter stages?

    Well, no. This is the new Champions League format. UEFA haven't announced much of anything related to the new format. So if you're going to make things up, you should probably apply currently existing prize money structures to UEFA competition.

  4. 8 hours ago, Michael Sant said:

    @Smoo has that player transferred to Auxerre or has he come through their youth system? 

    If he has come through at the club then that's just a representation of the circumstances in which a player can end up having been in another nation. For example, the players family relocated. 

    However, its a really good example of something we would look into with this. He's a couple months off turning 18, he wants to leave and despite the fact he could have that move in a few months time (January) he's turned it down. Many thanks for providing that one, I'll get it passed on directly to our QA team who can check this out in more depth. 

    Examples don't have to be as strong as this one, but we definitely welcome further examples as save game files with specific negotiations in which we can review the logic behind the scenes is a massive benefit. 

    Auxerre have 2 American affiliate teams, both providing the transfer of under 18s. Which is illegal. A player can train at a club for a (very) short period, but they cannot transfer to that team. I'm guessing since he was born in Texas, he will have transferred from Texas Rush.

    Edit: He has lived in France for 915 days, or 2.5 years. Which ties up pretty well to Newgen day in France 2.5 years ago (current date 21 September 2025 minus 915 days = 21st March 2023). If his family moved to France for non football reasons, he'd have been living in France for longer than 915 days.



  5. Jaime Cortes (17 year old American with no EU nationality yet playing for Auxerre in France, funny how the AI can break rules the player can't) wants to leave due to team getting relegated. Jaime Cortes wants to continue his development...at relegated club...

    Uploaded file Chelsea Jaime Cortes Transfer.



  6. Also, the game seems to have no problem actually breaking these laws. Here's some screenshots showing Non-EU newgens under the age of 17 playing at EU clubs. All of these players (presumably) transferred to these clubs "under the hood" of Academy football, which is illegal, unless they have an EU passport, which a lot of these players don't have, ie no Second Nationality.





  7. 4 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello, looking at the players listed here, it is fairly logical most them would want to play in a better team/division.

    However, if you believe there to be an issue around player valuations could you please create a new post in the transfer and contracts section of the forum, with some examples and a save file at the ready, thank you. :) 

    The players listed there, excluding Vitor Roque, are all rejects from big leagues. Most of them have never played more than half a seasons worth of games. A couple of them not even big leagues, like Ahmedhodzic and Lucca. Ahmedhodzic is a particularly bad example because he demanded a 400% salary bump to join me.

    And I have raised these issues in the Transfers section. I was told this was perfectly normal, real world behaviour. My ~£35m Vitor Roque will only agree to a transfer value of £40m, conveniently achievable for anyone interested in signing him. Meanwhile Rafael Leao is still at Milan 5 years in because they won't sell him for anything less than £200m, a price tag he seems very happy with, which no player I manage would ever agree to, no matter what club I'm managing.

  8. 13 hours ago, Dijon-Main said:

    Pretty sure Mbappe would cost 200 million tbh. Also, consider that players will have ungodly values because their club simply doesn't want to sell them.

    Maybe, maybe not. But SI have him down as a £300m player, so my point stands. Player values and demands are artificially inflated.

  9. 42 minutes ago, Abdullah Patel said:

    Thanks for raising this with us, when investigating the save we can negotiate the wages to a much lower figure. Appreciate it may seem like they're asking too much at first, but our team feel it isn't unreasonable for them try their luck and ask for higher wages.

    Define "much lower". When I negotiated their contracts I was hit with an IMMEDIATE last chance offer of £50kp/w. Even my DoF couldn't get them to agree to a reasonable wage. Your idea of player demands is hilarious. Rafael Leao, according to SI, is a £200m player. Meanwhile in the real world, no player in the world would cost that much, not even Mbappe.

  10. On 12/03/2022 at 20:19, Michael Sant said:

    The QA team will take a look into this further but in general if you are showing you're a pushover when it comes to contracts players will continuously angle for better contracts. I'd argue that's quite realistic. If you know the manager is a soft touch who will greenlight a generous payrise every year, over any previous agreement you had - its logical to ask for it. 

    As the manager in the game you do wield tremendous influence in this area, but it can require parting ways with a lot of your current players who wouldn't now negotiate back down to what you may consider to be reasonable levels. 

    That would make sense, if my players weren't asking for new contracts 6 months into a new save. I've barely negotiated any contracts. 6 months into a new save, and a player with 4 years left on his contract wants his wages quintupled. Also, I didn't give them the new contracts. I had team leader meeting where my team leaders wanted to know why I didn't offer them new contracts, I told them I wouldn't bow to player pressure, and they were all unhappy with that answer. Still they demand insane wage rises. What I have noticed from years of playing football manager, if you have one player earning £300k p/w, that is the new normal. I've managed teams where I can control the wage structure very well. But wage demands rise as you are able to attract better players. Then players who were getting paid less want the same contract. The system seems to me that once one player is earning a certain amount, that is what all players at your club will want. Dynamics and Player Power has been far too excessive for years.

  11. https://www.scottishfa.co.uk/news/coronavirus-joint-response-group-update-23-december/

    That article is from December 2020, stating that work permit rules would remain the same in Scotland for the January 2021, later extended (in March 2021) to Summer 2021. SI changed Scotland's work permit rule to the English FA's system anyway, as they have done ever since Brexit was introduced to the game. 4 months ago the SFA confirmed the old system was staying for good, as per The Athletic here https://theathletic.com/news/scottish-clubs-handed-transfer-boost-as-work-permit-exemption-made-permanent/7iiIW8LkiGt8/. I raised this in the bugs forum months ago. It would have been reasonable to assume that since the first 2 transfer windows post Brexit work permit rules in Scotland were remaining the same, the rules weren't going to change. Especially since the SFA explicitly stated they were working to ensure that work permit rules in Scotland were staying the same post Brexit.


    So no, the work permit rules for Scotland were not decided quite late. The rules have been the same as they always have been.

  12. https://www.scottishfa.co.uk/media/7507/uk-borderagency-gbe-requirements-men.pdf


    The important part is on page 10 and 11, making reference to the appeals panel to discern whether a player is of sufficient standard. Celtic signed Liel Abada from Maccabi Petah Tikva F.C. in July 2021, one month after he made his debut for the Israeli national team, who we ranked around 80 at the time. He had neither the required number of appearances for his national team, nor was his national team ranked high enough, to qualify for a Work Permit. He was given a Work Permit through the Appeals process which determined he was good enough "to contribute significantly to the development of the game at the top level in Scotland" - one of the terms of reference for the appeals process. Rangers signed Juan Alegria, 19 year old with 2 U17 caps for Colombia in 2019, from Finland. St. Johnstone signed Eutu Vertainen, no international caps, from the Finnish top division. Hearts signed Cameron Devlin, 2 U23 caps for Australia, from Newcastle Jets in the A-League.

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