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Señor Dan

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31 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

Currently Managing

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  1. 1) I agree with you about inflation. The game should take a value "x" that reflects the game's own economic inflation. When you start the game, the sum of all the money from all the clubs would be the value "Σi". And as the game progresses, the sum of the entire world economy is recalculated (a value we could call "Σ") Then inflation would be x=Σi/Σ The game code should add that value "x" (inflation) to the transfer prices, salaries, etc. (salary = "normal" salary * x ) In this way there would be inflation (or deflation) in the game, which would be more interesting and would prevent clubs from filling up with money as happens in long-term games. 2) I don't agree with what you say about reputation. In real life, if a Portuguese team wins the Champions League, the players will still want to go to Real Madrid, because winning a Champions League is not enough for Porto/Benfica to become the most important team in the world, much more is needed than that.
  2. I really like the idea of making your manager's attributes a little more "RPG" Your idea complements well with my proposal
  3. One of the problems with long-term games is that when you stabilize as the best club in a league it is impossible to lose. You are already the leader. In real life, staying at the top is much more difficult than getting there. Another problem is that it is easier to play with big clubs than with small ones. In real life, it is much more difficult to manage a large club than it is to manage a small club. Therefore, I bring a proposal for a system based on Stress (short-term fatigue) and Exhaustion (long-term fatigue). How would it work? STRESS: (short-term fatigue) "Stress" would be generated by the day-to-day workload of the work done and the pressure that it generates. If you start to feel stress this will hinder your abilities as a manager, decreasing your attributes. * Pressure: The reputation of the club will generate the pressure that the manager will receive. The greater the club's reputation, the more "Stress points" it will generate for the manager. (The idea behind this is to reflect how difficult it is to run a large club that has the attention of the press giving its opinion, a massive public that will give its opinion on Twitter and criticize every decision, etc. compared to small clubs which do not have that pressure and the managers operate calmly without so many people questioning their decisions) * Work: the more tasks you do yourself, the more stress you would have. On the contrary, the more tasks you delegate to your staff, the fewer "stress points" you would generate. (The idea behind this is to give more importance to the work of your staff, and that the fact of doing too many things is reflected in fatigue in your manager). * Changing room: a complicated dressing room, with many fights and that is against you would also generate stress points. The determination attribute (the ability to deal with pressure) would determine your manager's ability to deal with that stress. If the manager has level 20 in determination, he will add fewer stress points. If your manager has 1 in determination, he will be very permeable to pressure and will add many pressure points. "Stress" would have several categories that would be reached as you add "Stress points": Let's say from 1 to 10, with 1 being the calmest level, and 10 being the most tense. When you reach a certain level of stress this will be reflected in your behavior, negatively affecting the attributes of your manager. For example: Level 1: +1 to all attributes (The manager is fresh and encouraged by having a good campaign) Level 2: no effect Level 3: -1 to all attributes Level 4: -2 to all attributes Level 5: -3 to all attributes Lev 6: -4 to all attributes Lev7: -5 to all attributes (plus long-term points) Lev8: -6 to all attributes (plus long-term points) Lev9: -8 to all attributes (plus long-term points) Lev10: -10 to all attributes (plus long-term points) You could reduce stress if you: take vacations. For each day resting you would deduct stress points. For example: If you take 2 weeks off after finishing the season you could return to the starting point. If you rest for a weekend, you could reduce several stress points. When you reach the highest levels of stress, you begin to generate long-term fatigue points ("exhaustion"). Those fatigue points cannot be decreased. Could be: Level 7: +1 point per day of exhaustion Level 8: +3 points per day of exhaustion Level 9: +5 point per day of exhaustion Level 10: +7 points per day of exhaustion EXHAUSTION: (LONG-term fatigue) "Exhaustion" It will be generated as time passes, and will be felt in long-term games managing the same club. It will also begin to have a negative effect on your attributes as a manager. Exhaust points cannot be decreased and will accumulate over time. They are the points generated by high levels of stress. The idea here is that there are also levels of "Exhaustion" that generate long-term repercussions as your manager reaches those levels of long-term exhaustion. If you change clubs, the Exhaustion level is reset and goes directly back to zero. (In this way, the aim is to reflect the fatigue of managers with being in the same club for the long term, as happened recently with Klopp).
  4. I think the game needs to analyze the players' minds more The players are not robots, they have friends, families behind them who encourage them and also pressure and discourage them. Players have dreams and hopes but many times reality is harsher than expected, and they end up deflating. There should be a system of personal goals, which if not met, the player becomes discouraged and his long-term motivation decreases (perhaps his determination, professionalism or potential quality decreases). Those goals should be ambitious (as much as depending on the ambition attribute). So, for example, if Chelsea signs a young 18-year-old wonderkid, with 20-year-old ambition, that player will have the goal of "being a starter this season at Chelsea." If you transfer him to another team, he will not be able to meet that objective and he would become discouraged (although in exchange he would have growth through experience).
  5. Yes, this proposal is very good Having an agent could also: * be easier to hire players from the same agent * bring you conflicts with the club or fans (if you sign players from the same manager/use too many players from the same agent or use players from the agent who do not deserve it) * bring you conflicts with the agent (if the agent's players do not have enough minutes)
  6. that is the problem that the game should fix For several seasons I played with a regen rated 2 stars, but he gave me more than 7 points every game. Time passed and the assistants' rating remained 2 stars. That is an error. If the player is playing well, the assistants should think that he is a good player, what does CA or PA matter to them? This is what needs to be fixed.
  7. actually your team is playing white jersey for the game. What happens is that you have installed some 3D t-shirt patch that made a white t-shirt red. (the game cannot read the color of the jersey added in a patch)
  8. Hopefully an FM 2.0 is being created behind the scenes, reinventing all the mechanics, because as you said, the game has aged and doesn't feel well adapted to current possibilities.
  9. There are 2 big problems with press conferences: 1- they are not fun- and that is very serious since FM is a game, and the objective of a game is to be fun 2- In real life, managers answer what they want, even if they are not asked, they will talk about what they really want to talk about. It's something you can't do on FM. For example, if you are very upset with your players but no one asks you, you can't say anything- If you're upset with the ref, but nobody asks you, you can't say anything. Thus, the conference ends up being exhausted, boring and repetitive. And there's no point in it being in the game.
  10. what?? it's the other way around! In real life managers are fired much more frequently than in the game.
  11. Of course, something that the game lacks is the natural conversation that guides the user on what decisions to make. FM is an impossible game to tackle for a person who doesn't know about football, and it shouldn't be, because even potential buyers of the game miss out. These types of decisions and strategic challenges need to be explained in a simple way without having to resort to YouTube videos outside the game.
  12. In my opinion it's the other way around: managers should not negotiate the salary of players, that is done by the board of directors in real life, not the managers. It would be more realistic (and I think even more fun in the game) if we the managers indicate to the board which players we want (and what kind of priority and effort must be made to hire them) but let the board do management. Another thing is that the game allowed 2 options: that you play as a manager or that you play as the owner of the club, but that is another discussion in which SI seems not to want to enter for now.
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