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Posts posted by avfcmatthew

  1. I’m in the process of developing a tactic for a new Manchester United save I am doing. I’ve been reading several guides from these forums to create a solid system, but there’s some further guidance I’d like. 

    My philosophy for the team will be (broadly speaking) high line and high pressing intensity hoping to win the ball back quickly.

    In the attacking transition I want to play swift, direct counter attack if the gaps are there. Playing a lower LOE/higher DL should help facilitate this style.

    If gaps for a counter attack aren’t there, I want to play a more patient possession based game until the gaps arise. I will endeavour to use attacking overloads to create this space.

    However, I’ve a few questions. I’ve got several aspects of the tactic solidified in terms of which roles I want to play, which TIs I want to use etc., but there are still some grey areas.

    Firstly, if I select in the ‘In Transitions’ tab to counter upon winning the ball back, but then in my ‘In Possession’ tab a more patient approach, will that deliver what I want? I.e will the tactics then be to only counter if we can and if not to play patiently? Or will we counter regardless of the opportunity every time the ball is won back?

    Secondly, I know I want a DM who will give cover in front of my CBs and hold his defensive position in the attacking phase. The Anchorman role suits this, however it means their passing will be simply and risk-free.

    A DLP on defend, however, gives the opportunity for more adventurous passing if the opportunity is there - this could be crucial for launching counter-attacks. However, I worry a DLP would not sit as deep and be as defensively disciplined as an Anchorman... is this true? If so, how do I get what I want from my DM?


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