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Posts posted by jammy8892

  1. The promise system has its flaws certainly. I find that the "preferred position + role" is way too specific. I don't have an issue with players requesting to be played in a certain position, however in a specific role - and to get upset over it - is borderline ridiculous. I have just had a player start 38 games and with an average rating of 7.18 in a promotion winning team, and weeks after the season ends he demands a transfer because I played him as right back (wing back) not right back (full back)

  2. I just finished the final game of the season and gained promotion, at this point my remaining transfer budget was about 700k. Immediately it jumped to £8m, but on the club finances screen it also says "next season's minimum guaranteed budget will be £4m". 

    It seems odd that my budget drop from 8m to 4m in the space of a month (i.e. between this season officially ending, and the new one starting). 

    Can someone explain the situation here? Should I make the most of this £8m budget before it will seemingly drop in a month's time?

  3. This has just happened 2 games running in my save. My assistant has suggested that I sub an opposition player. Out of interest I clicked "I'll sort" which took me to the tactics screen for my opponent. I couldn't make any changes and then couldn't click Cancel or Confirm so I thought I was stuck. I managed to get out of this by clicking on "Tactics" which brought up my own team's tactic screen, I could then go back to the match.

    The second time it happened I just hit Ignore. Maybe next time I'll select "Do It" and see what happens :lol:

  4. I've tried looking for this info online but getting mixed results. What are the rules around player registration concerning my first team and b-team in the Spanish league?

    I am in Liga123, and when registering my squad it says "players registered for the first team cannot play for a lower team" - does this refer to the b-team, or is that classed separately? When a b-team fixture comes up, I am given the option to make first team players available, which seems contradictory.

    I suppose quite simply my questions are:

    - Can a player who is registered for the first team play for the b-team (or under 19s)?

    - Can a player who is registered for the b-team play for the first team (or under 19s)?



    Almost all first team squad members have very high appearance/goal/assist/clean sheet bonuses (£6k-10k), not representative of what is in place for the rest of the division, or what is reasonable. This looks like a hangover from their Premier League contracts because they also contain two clauses: "Avoiding relegation from the Premier League" and "Reaching the group stage of the Europa League". However the club was relegated in 2019.

    This will absolutely not be the case any more as a number of players have signed new contracts since relegation, or had relegation wage drop clauses included (this was revealed by the ex-chairman on a number of occasions).

    The clauses are also present for players who have signed for the club SINCE relegation, and in one case - Pipa (rb) - his contract start date is listed as May 2017 yet he only joined in summer 2020. 

    This is really detrimental on finances as it almost doubles the weekly wage bill.

  6. I'm playing as FC Porto and have Under 19s, Under 23s and B Team squads. I'm struggling to understand how best to use my B team.

    Players who are 15-17 sit in my u19, when they are 18-20 move to my u23 (if not good enough for first team yet). Anyone older than this should be good enough for my first team otherwise they're sold or released. 

    Should I be using the B team as a development pathway? It seems like it clashes with the u23 in terms of age range.


  7. Playing in Liga Nos (Portugal) and in my 4th season I have just come across this strange bug(?). One fixture at the start of November and then nothing for 2 months. This has happened for every team in the league, not just me. I only noticed because I got a message saying my assistant had arranged 4 friendlies for December!! It's also resulted in me playing twice a week for Jan and Feb after this, which is crazy. I could play even more games as I'm due to progress in the Champs League as well.

    Has anyone seen anything like this before? I have looked at previous years and there's always a 2-week break at the end of December but that's it. Is there something specific to the Portuguese league where this happens every few years?


  8. I'm noticing a lot that my full backs are defending narrowly in the penalty box, leaving the opposition wingers exposed (on both sides). When the ball eventually comes to the winger, they're quite slow in getting out to close them down

    I've tried tight marking and specific position marking without success

    I play a flat 4 defence, my defensive style is extremely urgent closing down and standard width

    Has anyone else experienced this issue and have any suggestions?


  9. 18 minutes ago, Experienced Defender said:

    No, that's (usually) a mistake. If you want to play specifically a counter-attacking style, a bit higher team mentality (Balanced or Positive) is more useful than defensive ones. Because higher mentalities - among other things -  encourage faster attacking transitions, which are key for counter-attacking styles. The defensive solidity and stability should be primarily achieved through good compactness (D-line and LOE combo) and a balanced and sensible setup of roles and duties (which is important for any style of play btw).


    The fact is that more defensive team mentalities generally allow for having a bit more attack duties within the setup than otherwise, but it does not mean that going to an extreme (one way or the other) is a good idea. A low team mentality alone does not make you safe(r) defensively, and it's not what the mentality is primarily about.

    Interesting, thanks for the reply. As I say, I'm picking things up as I go along so I'm grateful for the advice. It's confusing that the default C-A tactics would have you go with a Cautious mentality.

    So based on what you've said, my take on a very basic flat-back-four C-A tactic would be something like:

    Mentality = Balanced / Positive
    Formation = 4-4-2 / 4-4-1-1 / 4-1-4-1
    Lower defensive line / Lower LOE
    Tempo = Faster
    Passing = More Direct
    Distribution = Quick
    CBs = Defend
    FBs = Defend / Support
    CMs = Defend / Support
    WMs = Support / Attack
    AM = Support / Attack
    ST = Attack

    Obviously there would be tweaks depending on attributes and PPMs, but is that a decent starting point?

  10. I'm just getting back into FM after a good number of years away from the game. One thing I'm struggling to get my head around is how player mentalities (attack/support/defend) relate to the team mentality (very defensive, defensive, cautious etc.).

    I tend to play as weaker teams so often favour a counter attacking style of play. That to me suggests I should be using either defensive or cautious as my team mentality, with support/defend as my player mentalities, to ensure I keep things tight. But where does the counter attacking intent come into play? Playing anyone with an attacking mentality makes me think that they won't be doing their part defensively, and I'll get exposed.

    To give an extreme example, what would happen if I set my team mentality to very defensive yet all my player mentalities to attack?

    Thanks for any advice!

  11. Hi

    Sorry if this has been covered already however I'm just getting back into FM after a few years on hiatus. One thing that is frustrating me is having to re-do all of my set piece instructions whenever I substitute a player and I want to utilise him in a different way. Example: if I'm starting the game with a small, pacey striker then I want to leave him up front when defending set pieces; however if I sub on my 6ft target man then I want him coming back. This is a fairly common scenario for me, so do I need to go through each and every corner + free-kick type and change the instructions every time I do this? Or is there a simpler method that I'm missing? I thought about creating multiple set piece routines and switching between them however the different combinations of players on pitch is endless.


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