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Everything posted by DaveMurray23

  1. Invest in youth coaching, top youth coaches, training facilities and always sign most of your intake as you can get a few surprises that develop. Get them on positional and individual training with double intensity. If you get 5 star prospects, sometimes good to move them to the first team and put them in a mentor group but set them to always play in youngest team. hope this helps
  2. Not really a defensive masterclass tactic this year @knap in your opinion? Even high scoring leads to high scoring opponents too?
  3. @knap has the Defend HB been updated for ME and/or any changes since original?
  4. At least 7 of the top wonderkids in that team but it looks like BadSpell Vol2
  5. Top of the hub test MU103 and the IWB version posted on October 1st mostly
  6. Yes - total beast. Signed him for peanuts, sold him to Bayern for mega money after about 18 months and he wasn’t first choice. I use 2 versions of HGF 451
  7. I get that but take jumping reach at 85, in game that should be what? 15? What do those numbers translate to in game if I was putting on a filter? Using this screenshot? Are there downloadable filters? genie scout doesn’t match up below either in terms of priority.
  8. @fc.cadoni @knap what is the minimum value you need on attributed weights per position?
  9. Taker wise. I’ve been lucky enough to come across some specialist free kick takers but in terms of when you set up do you go for RB/LB taking corners as an example?
  10. Only for the 1st couple of seasons. Stick it out, I’ve won the last two leagues after finishing runners up to Spurs as Everton. 5 seasons in.
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