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Posts posted by tmpnd

  1. 1 - Depends what you call 'conservative'. If you're playing 4231 DM though I don't see how your DMC's would link the front 4 though with those two DMC roles you mention using.

    2 - Isolation depends on what the players around him are doing. There's no way to know for sure unless you watch the game and see if the other roles are doing enough to stop the isolation or not.

    1 - Doesn't mixed passing + clear ball to flanks help with that? Perhaps switching the DM(D) to a DLP(D). The AM should ideally be dropping deep as it's on support duty and usually has high work rate or comes deep to get ball PPM.

    2 - I often see you giving this kind of advice, and i can tell for sure that you know a hell lot of football. But I don't! Just a suggestion, you're a great mod, but if you could be a bit clearer on what to notice. I'm saying this because I tried to watch the game on other issues trying to find the problem, but i just couldnt lol

  2. #1: How conservative can the DM(S) role be thought of when playing a 4-2-3-1 DM formation in a very fluid style with mixed passing, lower tempo? His partner would be a DM(D).

    #2: How likely a DLF(A) is to be isolated on a very fluid system playing (usually) in a lower tempo, formation 4-1-4-1 DM? His partners would be a Winger and a Wide Midfielder set up as inside forward. CMs are likely to be a BWM and a B2B or an AP.

  3. Hi,

    Quick question. In this setup:






    What would be the best role (and PI's) to change the DLP(s).

    I want that player to stay back like the DLP but without being a playmaker, because i already have one playing on the left wing.

    What role? CM(s)? and what PI's?

    I believe the CM(s) will go more forward then the DLP(s) and i want to avoid that.

    Sitter roles (hold position): DLP, CM(D), DM(D), A, HB.

    Creator roles: DLP (Has extra freedom due to being a playmaker role), CM(D) is highly customisable and if he has poor passing/creativity you can ask him to play a simple passing game.

    Runner roles (All of them support up front and provide defensive support): B2B, BWM(S), RPM, REG, CM(S) depending on instructions.

  4. I don't know about less effective but he'll be more likely to get forward into the box than an F9 normally would. He'd still play with the same mentality and other instructions of an F9, though. The PPM will just overwrite one aspect of the role (movement in the final third).

    Could be good, could be bad, depending on a lot of other factors.

    He's not my main creator That's for sure. I can afford him getting further forward, but i cannot afford giving him an attack duty. So all good I guess? Perhaps could play him as CF(S), AFAIK it works well with a IF(S) and AP(S) on the flanks. Used to play Lukaku that way and he did wonders.

  5. Stupid Question: Is it viable to effectively set up a pressing defending style (bayern-like) with a team that has poor overall Aggression and average at best Bravery? Work rate seems solid enough, not a single player in the squad has less than 11.

    If not, would it be more effective to use a standing off defending style? I'm currently playing a possession-focused tactic so I'm not sure whether this would work or not. Also, whether can players, particularly CMs, play recycling roles like Regista, Half Back, DLP?

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