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58 "Houston, we have a problem"


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    Played CM/FM since the very beginning.

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    Gothenborg, Sweden

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    Napoli and IFK

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  1. In every single game, in every single league, the average pass completion rate is to high for almost every team. First problem is that within one league all teams are within a span of 2-5% of passing completion Second problem is that even the worst teams of the planet have got a pass completion rate in the 70-percentage rate (and that is all of them). Compared to real life statistics the span within a league is far to similar and the bad teams is far to good at passing. Seems like player stats dont impact on this. To see examples I have posted game statistics from League one and Serie A together with real life statistics and you can see the difference yourself. I could have posted every league in the world with the same result.
  2. If you go to "World" --> Managers and general: That list has just no purpose at all. Its just a random list of all the managers in game. Why cant this list be turned into a list sorted by manager reputation, so that you can see how your reputation is and grow compared to the other managers? (this was in earlier versions, but suddenly disappeared some years ago. And disappointed to see that the passing completion rate is far to high for almost every single team in the game. Find a way to lower it to make the difference between the teams larger, now Cambridge have the same passing completion rate as Brentford....it should be at least 10-15% lower.
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