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Posts posted by DiasV

  1. If you go to "World" --> Managers and general: That list has just no purpose at all. Its just a random list of all the managers in game.  Why cant this list be turned into a list sorted by manager reputation, so that you can see how your reputation is and grow compared to the other managers? (this was in earlier versions, but suddenly disappeared some years ago.


    And disappointed to see that the passing completion rate is far to high for almost every single team in the game. Find a way to lower it to make the difference between the teams larger, now Cambridge have the same passing completion rate as Brentford....it should be at least 10-15% lower.

  2. The problem is that every single of the most successful tactics made in the game is either positive or attacking and they fits every team regardless of quality. You overperform with an attacking and high pressing tactic and underperforms with a defensive tactic (even as a bottom team CA-wise). It seems like tactics are way more important than CA, while in real life CA is way more important than tactics...so there is a flaw here and it needs to be sorted. Physical attributes must be less important, technical attributes must be more important and CA must outperform attacking tactics in way bigger grade. 

    Tace a look at the passing completion percentage. For the best teams its way to low. Meaning the top teams dont pass as well as in real life, again it means that they dont manage to play out of a high pressure as effective in real life. If you play attacking against Bayern you loose 5-0 in real life because they just play out of the pressure and get to attack with more players than the defending team. In FM the best teams loose the ball way to often and the high pressure worse teams gets lots of chances and wins the games.


  3. Hi.  This issue was brought up last year too, but for some reason I cant find the thread and dont remember who started it.

    The issue is the following: I have now simulated 5 different save games over several seasons with different nations and I have yet to see a single team have a pass completion percentage above 79 (most teams lower and a team like PSG often around 75%)

    In real life the best teams (City, Liverpool, PSG, Bayern, Barca etc etc) has a passing completion percentage of 84-88% (sources differs a bit, but official Premierleague page and whoscored.com have these numbers but whoscored has numbers a few percentage points above the premierleague site)

    These numbers should be easily to reconstruct and it would surprise me if any save game would have team with a passing completion percentage in the 85%-range as I have yet to reproduce it.


    Hope this can be solved, cause it cleary has to do with how the best teams are controlling the matches. To me it seems like they are not patient enough in the build up and when having a comfortable lead they continue with quick transition with far to risky passes. This gives to many players a low pass completion percentage during a match compared to real life statistics.

  4. 8 hours ago, Nightwalker1988 said:

    Think that Lillestrøm SK's economy need to be checked.
    I think the balance and transfer budget is way to high for a Norwegian second division club.



    Probably been put in wrong currency. I remember that has happened with some player wages for norwegian players before.  I guess that if you divide the balance with about 10 it is more or less right (without me knowing to much about the economy at LSK)

  5. Hi.


    This is partly a suggestion and partly a question.


    When you go into "world" - then managers - the first sorting you get is "general" - this is as far as I can see nothing more than a listing of all managers. (then you can sort by trophies, time at club etc. 


    Could you not change the general into something useful - my suggestion would be to change it to a "reputation" list, so that we can see where in the line regarding world reputation as a manager we are. 

    Should be easy to code and would be much more fun than just having a "general" sorting without any benefits.

  6. 16 hours ago, dominoes012 said:

    I play with Barca and run 4 2 4 or 4 4 2 whatever you want to call it and Messis been banging em in since the updated patch. Roughly converts 1 out of every 2-2.5 1v1s so can't really complain. He does have 20 finishing also I haven't tried any 1 striker formations either. It's a noticeable difference though between the old patch and new patch.

    One thing is what teams played by humans manage, but how many goals do Messi score if he is managed by AI. In my games, hardly more than 15 pr season.

  7. Ran a new test today: Top 5 nations with all leagues playable - no human manager - put it all on holiday for 2 years


    2 seasons x 5 top leagues (bundesliga, premier league, la liga, serie a, french league)

    Total of 8 players scoring more than 20 goals. Most top strikers between 10-15 goals (Messi 13, Mbappe 15, Salah 11 etc).  Lewandowski only striker to have 2 seasons with more than 20 goals.


  8. 2 hours ago, CJ Ramson said:


    Any PKM's where you feel the pass completion is questionable please upload a PKM which would assist us.

    It is every single league in every single save game in fm 19 and now fm 20. Just play a league and it will be reproduced. Over time all clubs ends up with more or less the same pass completion. The best teams like Barca, City etc should have 85-90%, while the worst teams should be in the range around 70% (even though you have teams that from time to time is in theirs 60s with pass completion). So the main problem is that the best teams are not good enough compared to real life stats.

  9. Simluated 2 seasons with top 5 leagues - and all I got was 6 players with more than 20 goals in the first season (Messi had 13 and Kane 12 as an example). Second season it was even worse with only 4 players scoring more than 20 goals, Lewandowski best with 25. Very strange that this is not the case when you reproduce.


    Just sat the game on holiday - had all leagues loaded from top 5 nations.

  10. Hi.

    There is an issue that was also reported at FM19, but nothing has been done.


    It seems like that regardless of the quality of the teams and leagues all teams have more or less the same passing completion. While in real life it differs from 65-90% in game its barely 4-5% that differs from the best teams in each league until the worst.


    As you see from the screenshots it also does that to many teams have high possesion, while the best teams often have to low possesion. But all in all the pass completion is very wrong and its more or less equal regardless of league.




  11. Is there any place in game that you can see a list of managers ranked or sorted by reputation? I know that it was in some versions many years ago, but cant remember to see it for the past years?

    I guess the "general" screen in "Managers" aint showing much, so maybe that one could been turned into a reputation list? Would have been fun to see how I was ranked reputation wise compared to other managers.

  12. Things like this is happening to me far to often. This would "never" been done by a player in Serie A leading 2-1 in injury time. It would hardly been done on 3rd level in a small country  (believe me, I have coached at that level for several years).  The player would/should either play back to GK, or give a throw in.....but as you can see there are several things in this clip that is a bit strange behaviour.



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