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Posts posted by sjewitt

  1. How have you set up general training and what about actual individual focus for the player? If you aren't seeing attribute rises then it's definitely something you are doing or the player doesn't have much potential.

    No-one can answer without a proper detailed post explaining your system and showing examples.

    First team football doesn't improve attributes it just frees up current ability which then training distributes into attributes.

    i don't have the editor, what do you mean free up Ca improve it or something else?

    another question, when you see players with alot of red arrows redistibuting attributes does this mean they have reached their peak or just their CA for example if PA is 170 but CA is 155 would attributes be distibuted with red arrows as they have'nt improved more than this or do they keep improving untill they hit a ceiling?

  2. i've gone structured as i thought as my attacking players are so good they should be able to be left to do there own thing and the extra spacing would help, then i drew 5-5 with Ukraine so it seems half my team is working fine, then i beat italy 1-0 previous match (though i should of lost) thank god for De Gea, i changed my central mid to DLP(d) and CM(d) but i can never get a CM(d) to get a good end of match rating.

  3. am i right in thinking all national teams are at awkward for tactical familarity? or does it improve a lot if you stay in the job?

    just played Italy and somehow managed to win in probably the luckiest game i've had, interestingly they play 4-2-3-1 narrow aswell but didn't seem to have the problems i had,

    1 thing i need to do is get the att mids to track their full backs as they had way too much space, also there was many times when one of my players had no idea what to do with the ball or would basically run into a team mate.

    if anyone else has used this formation any tips would be great thanks.

    i could possibly go 5-1-2-2 like i do with my club or maybe -5-2-1-2 but i'd really like to try something different for a learning experience.

  4. okay cool,

    fb(a) cd(d)x2 wb(s)

    b2b cm(d)



    a problem might be the tactical familarity being so bad but then i guess it's like that for all nations teams,

    games are so few and far between and i'm right at the start of the Euro league so no real time to experiment.

    i'd like to play a possession style football with lot of movement. but it's a role i'm not familiar with as i've never used it with my club,

    so any advice would be nice.

    i'm thinking of adding a trequartista for the next match instead of one of the Ap.

    the problem i guess is they are all playing okay 7, but none of them are standing out and leaving a positive mark on the game, and i'm not sure how to get them all to shine when in such close proximity to each other.

    something i'm thinking about is would it be best if i went wide to create more room for each of them to play or narrow to focus the teams play through the centre where i am strong?

  5. okay, i've gone fluid, fairly wide, slightley higher, much lower tempo, closing down sometimes, short passing, play out of defence, overlap and work ball into box on a attacking mentality, now my my problem seems to be my 3 att mids aren't shining it seems like they are getting in each others way, so has anyone hot any advice for 3 att mids on narrow?


  6. If you are losing a full point or two, then yes, they are getting redistributed based on the training schedule. The best solution I have found with this is average training and focus on the role that best suits what you want from them- not necessarily the role they play for you. This way, the attributes that matter most to you will stay maxed out. Personally, when a player hit 28 or so, I drop the individual focus *unless* I am trying to redistribute some points (which doesn't always work). And just to make you feel a bit better, if the skills are showing red arrows, but only dropping a tenth or two, then that is normal and nothing to be concerned about. If often happens over the course of a season- same with the masses of green that appear from time to time. Its only when, as you've noticed, that they drop a a significant amount that you should look to adjust the training.

    Also, and this is probably something you know, but be sure the players aren't coming off a lengthy injury :)

    does the current FM16 work work like that when it comes to PA? people running out of it etc?

  7. Just after some quick glancing advice. Last season I finished 7th in my second season with Bournemouth playing a flat 4-4-2, it was decent, but not quite prolific. This Summer I had one of my best players bought at release clause (Zivkovic - £45m) and also my main striker (Milik - £14.5m). Coupled with the money I was already given I went a bit crazy and absolutely stockpiled on central midfield players, all of which will be expecting to feature as close to first team as possible. So with that in mind, I've had to re-jink my tactic and I've come up with a 4-4-2 narrow diamond (below).


    So from the above you can kind of see my dilemma. I need to fit Wilshire, Romero, Bender, Bentancur and Arter (fyi awesome for me as RPM last season) into the squad, and I almost bought a transfer listed Goretzka too! Naturally rotation will need to occur, but I can't handle a mutiny early season for lack of game time. I also don't have any wingers of note to use (still have about £70m to spend should I need to and I think I may look to bring in another striker).

    Looking at the screenshot, does that basic diamond look sensible? My biggest concerns, naturally, is having enough width in attack and also to effectively defend the flanks especially when it comes to opposition winger/fullback double team. I also worry about the roles of the entire front 3 (may look to change the CFs into a DLF or F9).

    In theory I want to apply high pressure from the front and in the midfield to win back early, then remain somewhat composed on the ball while we look for our openings (I may remove higher tempo from team instructions, may see how it plays for a few games). Only PI I have are for the fullbacks to stay wide and for DMd to close down much less as I think him keeping shape in defence will be crucial - moreso than those above him anyway.

    From the SS you can see I also have/had a 4321 (Christmas tree style), but this is an absolute nightmare when it comes to defending the flanks, the lack of a DM seemed detrimental - and dropping a midfield to DM made the formation look, well, weird (and even more narrow).


    i'd tell your team to close down opp full back every match, as i do i play 5-1-2-2 so only one set on wings and i think it's important when there's no direct opposition.

  8. What do you think is important & why?

    Do you think it is always wise to do what your coaches tell you? If yes do you also follow their advice on what formation & team instructions to use or do you create your own system?

    i didn't explain,different coaches are giving me completely different advice even with the same ratings for tactics etc when it comes to opp instructions, how does this work? why do some give advice to close down a certain amount nd another to hard tackle?

    i was using the advice last season for opp instruction nd it worked well but now have two coaches with same ratings nd wondering why different advice?

  9. I look for a) a coaching area I need to be better and try to find one with that first then b) Discipline, Determination, Motivating are a must for any coach then c) Working with youngsters. Helpful but not necessary are the Judging players attributes. I like to have them decent at this, but it is a simple matter to get your coach reports from a different person if they are poor talent evaluators :)

    for the youth team managers, do you think any paticular attribute effects their development?

  10. As I said, green indicates a morale increase. Green isn't always good, so don't pay too much attention to it. The green is only good and needed when morale is on the low side. Players will still "listen keenly" etc, so there's always a response.

    just one more thing, so i've just given a team talk two players already on superb morale, one got green reaction (looked to gain confidence) and the other (seemed motivated) so when you say green is about morale what do you mean? another player got the reaction listened passionately but not in green, so are they all just different.

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