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57 "Houston, we have a problem"

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  1. It's one of these things that makes me wonder if SI makes any UI testing at all. This bug has been around for YEARS, pretty much affects most people and is raised on the forums every year, and somehow still hasn't been fixed. Has anyone made a standalone post about this for FM24? Not that I have any hope it's going to be fixed but...
  2. Of all the terrible UI decisions SI has made in the last few years, this is the one that really grinds my gears (and removal of the timeline bar in matches -- never forget). The inability of these screens to scale properly is reported every year on the feedback threads, and I'd raised this issue in FM 21 & 23 myself, but clearly SI has no intention to fix this. So every year, you just have to extract the main skin and play around with the settings to enlarge the panel:
  3. This is not exactly a bug, perhaps (especially since it's been around since the last UI overhaul a few years ago), but I think it is a significant design flaw that would be a big QoL improvement if fixed. As we know, the scouting update screen consists of "player cards" that you can interact with using the buttons at the bottom: Fully Scout Player, Discuss with agent, Make offer, Discard (cross sign) and Acknowledge (checkmark) etc. What is really annoying for me is that it is impossible to actually go through the cards quickly by quickly Scout/Discard/Acknowledging sequential report cards because they keep moving around depending on the text in the buttons: E.g. the Scouting button may have the text "Fully Scout Player" or "In Progress", which leads to different button lengths; similarly with the Agent button ("Discuss with Agent"/"Approach Agent"). This ends up moving the much smaller Discard/Acknowledge buttons constantly play around significantly, depending on the combination of texts we get in the buttons. This leads to cases where keeping the cursor at the same place and trying to acknowledge two report cards one after the other may leads to acknowledgeing one report and accidentally discarding the other! Additionally, it requires me to constantly keep an eye on the cursor and adjusting it for every other report card, which is cumbersome. It's not a make-or-break problem, but it is a mild annoyance that is always there since I constantly handle these reports. What I would suggest is at least fixing the position of the small line component between the "Make offer" and "Discard" buttons (see screenshot), so that the Discard/Acknowledge buttons are always in the same place. Ideally, all of these buttons need to have a) either their sizes fixed across cards, and only the text changes, or b) have their centers fixed so that only they shrink/expand from the center. Screen Recording 2023-10-20 at 1.07.05 AM.mov
  4. In recruitment meetings we typically start with a screen that shows the squad view on the left and the players for the selected position in the right. However, after selecting a non-GK position and entering a player profile, returning to the meeting screen resets the position to GK, which is quite annoying. The squad planner also has a very similar screen, but with correct UI behavior -- after returning from a player profile, the squad view is shown with the last position selected correctly. I've attached two small videos that show the behavior in the two cases.
  5. Thanks @Kyle Brown. No, this affects FM only -- other Steam games open in fullscreen fine. System info attached below. MacBook Pro.spx
  6. So, this has been an issue in previous editions as well, but I never got around to actually resolving it -- I'm not sure if it's a "bug" per se, but I'm not sure if it's intended behavior either. I'm on macOS Sonoma, and when I start the game the game starts in "borderless windowed" mode as opposed to fullscreen. Essentially, it's a window without borders, so it "looks" fullscreen, but actually isn't. There is a better discussion on the differences between the two here. While I can't really test it, I think it's leading to less-than-optimal resource use of my laptop, which affects FM performance and leads to lower FPS. How can I have FM24 open in actual fullscreen mode? Things I've looked into: - Checking Steam launch options to make sure something like the `-popupwindow` option isn't there that forces windowless bordered - Adding `- fullscreen -` to launch options to force fullscreen mode, doesn't work - Starting in windowed mode and then fullscreening via the green expand button on top left of the window -- also doesn't let me fullscreen, only make the window as large as the screen
  7. I'm planning to write a longer rant post about this but since I still haven't gotten around to that yet, I could chime in here. TL;DR: This is an intentional change by SI. This was one of the "features" introduced in FM21 where some bad 3D renders of rooms were set as backgrounds (e.g. for tactics and team talks screens) supposedly to "increase immersion"somehow by making the functional part of the screen smaller. I brought this up in the FM21 feedback thread (see attached post), but no one in SI cared; similar things were pointed by other users both in FM21 and FM22, but here we are in FM23 once again half the screen is wasted on bad 3D room renders. My observation at this point is that SI doesn't really care about the users' actual needs and preferences nor takes in their feedback seriously when deciding on features (I wonder how many people asked for this "dynamic manager timeline" for example.); hence I'm no longer as keen to provide feedback to SI in turn as I used to be. But, I digress: You can fix this screen manually by extracting the skin files and playing around with the values in tactics with embedded section tabs panel.xml in panels\match. See the second thread I posted below for a more detailed explanation. I haven't tried it for FM23 yet, but it should work similarly.
  8. Sounds good -- uploaded the save file as `trondsen_contract_bug.fm`. I also noticed that the reason for this behavior is probably caused by an "unavailable to play club football from XXX to XXX" label on the player that appears only on the player search screen, and not in the player screen itself (see screenshot below). In light of this, this may not be a transfers/contracts bug after all. Two additional possibilities here: If there isn't an actual reason (e.g. FIFA ban etc.) that prevents Trondsen from playing club football, this is probably a data bug instead. If there is an actual reason, then it is a UI bug since I should be able to see in the player screen that the player is unavailable. Additionally, I shouldn't see the "make transfer offer to players' team first" screen since the player is a free agent.
  9. I am forced to make a transfer offer for free agent Anders Trondsen before I can proceed with contract discussions. Since the player is a free agent, I am unable to make said transfer offer and therefore offer contract. As far as I can tell, this issue is specific to Trondsen somehow, and I was not able to replicate it with other free agents. Screenshot attached below, can provide the game file if needed.
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