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Posts posted by simurfette

  1. Hello, lovely FM players.

    I have 2 questions, but let me start by saying... I know nothing about football, so one of these questions really is one of those "stupid" questions. I LOVE the game. I have over 200 hours in less than 2.5 weeks, and I'm becoming a huge fan of the sport as a whole. I've even been trying to find a way to watch this in the US (which is proving really hard), but enough about that.

    My first question: I've been using prebuilt tactics. One specifically, and it has been insanely well for me both in lower league management and the upper league management. However, it calls upon the use of 2 F9s. Now, in higher league management, it's not too difficult at all for me to find players to fit that role, but in the lower league management (I play a lot of the 23 lower league England database that seems to be pretty popular), I can never find anyone that is suitable for that role (based on the little assistant manager role ability gauge. [seriously, even with training, that gauge never goes above to bars :(]). All of that being said, I sat down yesterday to create my first tactic on my own and well... I was instantly overwhelmed. I read through every tool-tip for every position, but...as you can probably guess, someone who knows nothing about football...well, it's extremely overwhelming, and I have no idea what even the tool-tips are talking about. My question is this...

    Does anyone know of anywhere where I can really read/study/learn about positions, roles, whether that role should be the attack version, the automatic version, the defend version, etc.? As I said, my tactic has worked splendidly for me, but I'd really like to be able to build my own. I feel like I'm just coasting by right now on someone else's work, and I'd love to learn for myself.

    My second questions is, perhaps, a bit less stupid, and it's 2 questions kind of rolled into one. I've read time and time again that individual training (not additional focus), should be set to the role I want them to play. Unfortunately, I get an inbox message from my assistant at least once a week that says something along the lines of "so and so isn't happy with their individual training. They feel they aren't/won't improve, etc etc etc." It's typically a list of 4 or 5 guys, and when I go take a look at the training, they don't have full role ability for whatever role they play, so there is room for improvement, and their training is set accordingly. On top of this, I also get complaints about "lack of first team soccer." This is something that's more likely to happen to me with my lower league stuff, as with amateurs, I don't have to pay them, and my squads get...well, ridiculous. Obviously, I can cut down on my squad, release them on frees, etc etc, but I ran a test case. I ran with one group of 16 guys (11+6 subs), and I was running subs so they were getting pretty decent time on the field, maybe 20-30 minutes a match, every other match or so, and they STILL complained. So my question is this...

    When the players complain, whether it be about training or play time, how seriously do I take something like that? It's extremely annoying to get those "So and so wants to talk about personal matters" every few days, mostly because, no matter what I say, or how much time I give them on the field, if they aren't starting, they aren't happy, and really, if you're a central defender on the bench with half the ability of my starting central defender, I really don't wanna play you, you know?

    Sorry for rambling. Any help is extremely....extremely appreciated. Like I said, I love this game, but I'd love to build my own tactics, and I'm flat out leaving my training to my assistant at this point because I'm scared they're going to leave if they don't like training, and I'm playing players in my starting 11 that...really shouldn't be played in my starting 11 because they like to throw fits every goddamn week. Okay, maybe I'm a little frustrated. :(

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