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30 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"


  • Biography
    Been playing fm since the cm days and gotta say every year is a new challenge like to take on a one team save each year so its win prem and champs league then defend either or both the season after


  • Interests
    arsenal, fm and history

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    Sunderland fm24

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  1. Nice right up and like this 433 shape and style. I use something similar but have added take fewer risks to all the back 5 this i find keeps them closer and allows more possesion and passing in nice little tri-angles. I have also experimented with the righ WB on attack duty will post back if this makes any difference. Otherwise great idea you should consider doing others.
  2. Not posted for a while but training this version has hugely improved and this got me thinking. Below is the schedule I use. Which works ok but I did notice that each week I get either a group of defenders, midfielders or forwards complain about lack of unit training. So I devised the below. Now what has got me thinking is over a month's training could you set week one defense training week two midfield training week three attack training week four combo of all 3 training? This would mix up training and keep things different every week,any thoughts?
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