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358 "Greed, for lack of a better word, is good"


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    Exiled scouser, infrequent gamer, frequent lurker on the forums, joint 61st in BOTU 2020


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    US sports and sports statistics, plus reading about sports, geography and major political history

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  1. Looking forward to the winner take all class with @SuperOwl86. Assuming it will get moved to live TV instead of the Gunman Bliss match with Gunman already through
  2. So high scoring draw is possible. The fact that I didn’t plan out my draft fully hurts me, as I ended up with 3 left sided players. Kostic works attaching, but Sosa and Mensah are fighting for the LB slot, and means one has to drop into CB. Think it is a reasonable team, but @GunmaN1905seems to have more of a consistent side, with quality throughout
  3. Was shocked I had a vote given. Fully expected a walkover
  4. https://www.buildlineup.com/shared/63753696761db92603a7020e Turns out not paying attention to positions means you end up with a Southgate-esque abundance of one position.
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