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Posts posted by Putzibram

  1. 1) When should i choose a FB or a WB?

    I tend to choose a FB when ahead of him i have a player that also remains wide, and a WB when ahead of him i have a player that cuts inside.

    I choose this because i believe the WB have more creativity so it's a better choice if he doesn't have anyone to play with.

    4. "Move into channels" player instruction - does it makes player running into a vertical space between oppostition (e.g. between DCL and DCR, or DL and DCL, DR and DCR) or running inro horizontal space between opposition lines (e.g. between DC and DMC, or DL and ML, DR and MR)?

    I came here to ask exactly these two questions. So thanks for answering those even if, in the second case, it only adds to my puzzlement as this is definitely not what I expected from the PI 'move into channels'.

    In both cases, part of the problem I have is that things get lost in translation between English language forums and my Dutch language game. In the Dutch version the PI "move into channels" is translated to "tussen de linies spelen" which (literaly) translated back into English gives something like "move between the lines". As far as I know when commenters us this phrase in Dutch they DO mean them to move between the HORIZONTAL lines, e.g. between DC and DMC. Likewise "Wingback" becomes "attacking fullback" in Dutch. Thus I really wondered what is the difference between a WB and a FB(A).

    I suppose there is no dictionary somewhere with exact translations of English FM-terminology in other languages ? My most pressing issue at the moment is to identify the Dutch counterpart of the 'anchorman'. I believe it is the "hangende middenvelder" but I'm not 100% sure.

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