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Everything posted by amazarashi

  1. I'm sorry but it's frustrating when people came here with valid criticism and you lot respond like this. Yes of course you can "play" the game. Can you play it and fully enjoy it as you expected to when you bought it? Assuming by this topic and by the opinions on other placed I've read comments, no. And it doesn't matter if "hundreds of thousands" are playing it. For some people the game as it is is not playable. I am one of them. The person you responded to is another. There are way more. It's a frustrating game. I play it to relax. The few hours I played 24 I spent more time frustrated than enjoying it and it got to the point I just stopped. In 20 years I play this game this has never happened to me.
  2. He's right. I just checked on mine and it's the same. Even with the two of the best players on my B squad. They just don't play.
  3. Why can't I change things for my B, U23 and U19 teams here now? I want to delegate transfers to my Youth Director and I can't.
  4. I've been playing a little with Sporting and I've had two instances where two players whose contracts end in 2025 and 2026 (2 and 3 years time) coming to ask to renew and refusing to accept to speak about it at the end of the season. So now I have them angry and the rest of the squad are bothering me as well. This shouldn't happen, right?
  5. Not anymore. He did only for the beta. He did make a video giving 5 stars to the game, I don't if it was before or during the Japan save. But I agree with you, it is weird.
  6. I mean... You guys basically said what Miles answered on that tweet but with formal words. You are a big company. You should be doing better acknowledging this situation.
  7. It's the lack of transparency. I would even forgive them if they had the "fully licensed" but then had made a post explaining that things were not going to be completed at launch and saying why. All this almost radio silence is really infuriating. Speaking for myself, I was considering skipping this one and waiting for 25 but when I heard this had the J-League I bought it. It was the sole reason I did. For them to do this is quite a slap on the face of a fan of this game going back decades. I am very disappointed at this.
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