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oriole01 last won the day on June 11 2019

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657 "The Dude abides"


  • Member Title
    D.C United Researcher

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    23 years old. American. FM map and logo freak.

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    Wolves and Maribor

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  1. @Rikulec How the hell do you still have time to play FM with all this going on ? Congratulations man, this is a huge step for you and it's been a joy to watch your career blossom for these last few years. It's no small inspiration to the rest of us here that someone from FMCU can make it in the real football world, and I hope there will be more to follow in your footsteps in the future!
  2. Luxembourg for sure. Lived there for a few months and there is great potential for development there.
  3. Somebody must have asked the RNGenie for a Zlatan regen
  4. @V50 Have you made a decision about this? I haven't seen any changes made on ORDB (I am an AR now). I still think it would be best to create Ciudad as a separate extinct club with its prior history to itself, and have the new La Habana on its own record. And then the "new club" field can be used to link the two and show the likely merger. Also, I have opened several discussions on there regarding stadiums in Caribbean nations that don't appear to have been seen and/or addressed. Would appreciate it if you could take a look. Thanks!
  5. Looks like adequate is still worse than average for training and youth facilities though? Unless that's unintentional.
  6. Something tells me it'd cost a bit more than 19 pounds . Amazing end to the season, you're really going places now!
  7. From what I've noticed over the years, similar ethnicity-based errors exist in many of the other black-majority Caribbean nations. I'm not entirely sure it's a data issue, as it relates to generated players, but someone in the relevant area at SI should address this.
  8. Congrats mate! Only a matter of time before we see you in the FM database I reckon
  9. Damn that was fast . Congratulations on a job well done and an epic journey completed. I've been following since the beginning and it was an enjoyable career every step of the way, so I'm very happy to see you reach the end. Good luck on whatever comes next; personally I'm rooting for you to go back and start the Brazil challenge over again, but I'm sure you'll come up with something cool no matter what it is. For the moment, all hail King Kojo!
  10. What a season! It's a welcome surprise to have seen you make the breakthrough in a tough league like Ghana so soon, it seemed like even you thought it would be a few more seasons yet. I suppose maybe having two big teams to contend with can be better than just one, as they will also be competing against each other for transfers and taking points off each other, not just your team. Well done on completing all the leagues, it's been a long but rewarding journey! Now good luck on the last challenge of finally winning the Champions League! How do you rate your chances next season?
  11. Correction on the titles: Ciudad de la Habana have six titles, not ten. They were won in 1978-79, 1979, 1984, 1994, 1998, and 2001 (Source)
  12. I'm reposting this issue from FM23. The Cuban club representing the city of Havana in recent versions of the game is not the same club as the one that was present in previous editions of the game. The club La Habana (ID 5430463) now appears to resemble the current top tier club FC La Habana, which is not the same club as Ciudad de le Habana, a former 10-time national champion that was represented under this ID as recently as FM21. Ciudad appear to either no longer exist or to be playing in a lower division, but the history of the club in the database matches that of Ciudad and not FC La Habana. The fact that these clubs are not the same can be proven through RSSSF records that show them playing in the same league at the same time for several years (ex: https://www.rsssf.org/tablesc/cuba08.html) and Spanish Wikipedia has separate pages for each club. I suppose it is possible that the two clubs merged, but I have not seen evidence of this online and even if they did, Ciudad's history should be separated from FC La Habana's. To fix this, FC Le Habana should be created as a separate club with its own history (four national titles in 1916 and consecutively from 1965-67) reflected, and the ID 5430463 should be reverted back to Ciudad de la Habana and contain record of its 10 national titles (1963, 1964, 1972, 1973, 1978, 1979, 1984, 1994, 1998, 2001). Ciudad should be either marked as extinct or placed in the lower division. Lastly, FC La Habana play at the Estadio La Polar rather than Ciudad's Estadio Pedro Marrero.
  13. The club currently known in the database as Sumy (ID 5313097) have been mistakenly identified as a successor club of the old club PFC Sumy, which had the same ID in the FM database until it was wound up in 2019. The club currently using this ID are FC Sumy, which is a completely separate club from PFC Sumy. FC Sumy was renamed in 2020 from LS Group (ID 71105191) after PFC Sumy dissolved, but this was not intended to establish the club as a successor to PFC and the clubs have no affiliation with each other. Therefore, FC Sumy should be reassigned the 71105191 ID of LS Group and their histories should be merged, whilst ID 5313097 should be restored as PFC Sumy and set as an extinct club. Sources: Wikipedia and FC Sumy website
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