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184 "Just keep swimming"

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    Nardo FM22

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  1. As the opposing fans in Spain says about Real, Así gana el Madrid, loosely translates to "this is how madrid wins". If SI are gonna incorporate the shady transfers Real gets through for sake of realism they gonna have to incorporate the lawsuits and criminal court cases that follows too?
  2. This. Its been like this for a pretty long time, Martin Ødegaard comes to mind when Real Madrid hired his dad as a youth coach, who, AFAIK didn't speak a word spanish at the time. This was back in 2015.
  3. The conspiracy theory was that SI includes game breaking mechanisms into FM on purpose so you will buy the next edition as well. Think you need more than a patch to adjust that kinda thought..
  4. You still on about that nonsense? After refusing to answer or even aknowledge this obvious question:
  5. this, yes, its what I've been trying to say. You can have your tactic set as the one with 2 CBs for 6 days and 22hrs every week, and then use the 3 CB formation 2 hrs every week only during the match. Primary trained tactic under Training tab can be set to anyone you want despite what tactic is being shown under the tactic screen. BTW, when I set a 3CB tactic my team wants 5 CBs, not 6 like yours. So its not set in stone.
  6. you can choose that under training unrelated to which of the 3 tactics you use.
  7. You can promote reserve players to the senior squad, or if nothing else works just leave the tactic screen being your 2CB tactic through the week and change it to the prefered 3 CB one on match day.
  8. watch their concern change immediately as you change your tactic from the one with 2 CBs to the one with 3!
  9. The game isn't scripted against you. It can be frustrating indeed! But each football match is a simulation of 100s of factors and variables, its not a scripted story.
  10. Seems like OP is long gone, but I dont understand his logic here. Its not the valuation guide that has caused issues in his dressing room, its the simple fact his GK wasn't allowed a move to a bigger club. Lazio is just playing the game here, unsettling him with low bids waiting for him to kick up a fuzz in burnley. OP might see burnely as a well established PL club now, but clearly his in-game football world does not. Might suggest that both your GK and Lazio dont see you as an established PL team. If you were a top club things would look very different I'm sure.
  11. Those two are in no way mutually exclusive. Also, if a non-partner got cd keys cheaper than the official publishers its obviously because of dirty deeds.
  12. Just to make sure we're talking about the same thing - The option to add "buying team pays x amount wages" and then choose remove it and exclude from negotiation? IDK why it works like that, just stumbled onto the same problem myself and this is the solution I've found - given that we're talking abuot the same thing of course
  13. you need an initial offer first in order to exclude any clauses AFAIK, try to set it to 5% and hardlock it, and then try exclude from the oncoming negotiations. That way they cant hardlock 50% first.
  14. This. If you play out from the back f.ex., and the ball ends up on either side of the pitch your playmakers will drift to that side to offer a short passing option, it very easily gets congested, playmakers often gets man marked and you've effectively set yourself in a sideways pressing trap where the only option is to hoof the ball to the opposite winger or your striker.
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