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Sean Blinkhorn

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151 "Just keep swimming"


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    Manchester City Researcher

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  1. This is a tough one as I believe that he has taken to playing in the side better than anybody expected. That said, I don't think he would be playing as much if it wasn't for injuries earlier on in the season - he would have been phased in much more slowly in better circumstances. He is also beginning to show his weaknesses, disappearing from games and allowing the first goal quite shamefully v Spurs. Don't get me wrong, he will merit a rethink for the next major update but him and his 2 Prem goals won't force SI to reinvent the wheel, I don't think.
  2. I believe it wasn't possible to set the release clause in-game to start after a season. So SI took the decision to not show it, which, considering it's only press speculation at this point, is a better outcome than having Bernardo leave for peanuts at the start of this season.
  3. Huge thanks for Baird, a massive laptop failure recently has meant that my to-do list with him on disappeared I'm going to hold back on the other lad until I see him on the sidelines. Sometimes 'Academy Coach' means the younger age groups. Cheers though.
  4. As Pete says this has no confirmation yet. I was expecting to see him in a U21/U18 youth game by now!
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