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Posts posted by clarkehwbu

  1. I'm currently at your Germany stage and still reading through, but was interested in your spreadsheet, trying to use it myself now.

    So lets say for example i'm looking for a BPDa. 

    Key Stats are Heading, Marking, Passing, Tackling, Composure, Positioning, Jumping Reach and Strength. (8)

    Preferrable Stats are First Touch, Technique, Aggression, Anticipation, Bravery, Concentration, Decisions, Vision and Pace. (9)

    Is this formula below correct?  Please assume that I've gotten the correct stat to the correct column, I've double checked this. The one thing I'm confused about is the 69.7*100 part?

    =((R2+U2+V2+X2+AC2+AJ2+AQ2+AU2 + (0.66*(P2+Y2+Z2+AA2+AB2+AD2+AE2+AL2+AS2)))/17*5)/69.7*100

    I just want to know whether I'm on the right track and to clarify the part i'm confused about, before I start using it for other positions etc

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