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14 "You're a bum, Rock"


  • Member Title
    Aston Villa Researcher


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    FM Assistant Researcher for Aston Villa


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    Football and Aston Villa

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    Aston Villa

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  1. Hi @Rags89, great to speak to you again mate. You’ve made some great points and I will send you a message directly so we can carry on the conversation there rather than clog this thread. Just a note on Pau Torres and one for the wider group forum, transfers that have been made in the summer, the player in question would have been adjusted by the previous clubs AR as they would have saw a lot more of the player than I would have. I think nearly 3 months into the season, I didn’t want to be too hasty and make a load of adjustments as I don’t think it is long enough to make a judgement especially as some players take time to adjust to another league and country which could cloud some of the judgement, however there will be some attributes which standout that we could look at for sure for example Torres’ distribution and composure has stood out. However if there are any clear errors regarding the details like transfer fees, height, international stats etc please shout up.
  2. Hi Ente35, appreciate the comment regarding Teddy Rowe for Villa. His full name is listed in the database, however is known by Teddy Rowe https://www.avfc.co.uk/teams/u21 cheers
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