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Angelos Antoniades

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47 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"


  • Member Title
    Sports Interactive QA

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  1. Hi @Nathan1994, could you let us know what device you are using?
  2. The automatic weekly saves are different to the auto save that is created when you exit your current career. As MatiasDFS said, any manual save can be found from the Load Game button on the main menu. From there, if you press Load on the career folder you want to play you should see your manual saves.
  3. Hi, thanks for raising this. It's under review with the dev team.
  4. Hi, could you let us know what device you are playing the game on? The colourblnd setting should be universal and not save dependent so the more information the better for us so we can see what's going on.
  5. Hi, could you let us know which device you are using?
  6. Hi @Clarkebar, the reason for the mentoring partnership ending so abruptly is because Willock has turned 24 which is the age where players are able to become mentors. We will look into making this a bit clearer in the future.
  7. Hi, could you give us a bit more information on what state you were in before closing the game. Did you happen to save just before closing or press exit game? We're trying to see if we can reproduce this in house.
  8. Hi, Could you let us know what version of the game you are on? You can find this out by going to the credits page Cheers, Angelos
  9. Hi @Daniel.M, thanks for bringing this to our attention, it's now under review with the dev team
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