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Everything posted by Stewart1111

  1. If FM24 is going to be the final version of Football Manager before FM25, which will have a completely different feel and look, then here's hoping they fix everything they possibly can and add new features that fans have been asking for years on these forums, giving us a complete 'final' version of the game, because if FM25 is going to be different to all the other FM's, then at least we'll always have FM24 for those that are not into the FM25 version: Here's a list of things I really hope they add to FM24. CHANGE THE WAY AI CLUBS/MANAGERS BID ON YOUR PLAYERS. Whenever I try to sell a player all of the AI managers will offer me the exact same amount, it's like the AI managers all contact each other before they place the exact same bid on my player. For example, I'll try to sell a player and amazingly I'll receive about 12 offers all the same (even clubs from different countries) £4.6 million plus 15% sell on fee, and £525,000 after the player has played 20 games or whatever. This aspect of the game needs to be much more realistic. There should be a variety of different offers from clubs that have different reputations within the game, so richer clubs would be willing to pay more of the transfer fee upfront, with some instalments, as happens in the real world of football, whereas lower ranked/poorer teams would try and bargain and offer less of the transfer fee upfront and concentrate more on instalments and ad-ons. Even occasionally having an AI club completely cancelling their transfer bid/interest and instead making a loan offer for your player. DISCIPLINE EXPANDED. When a player has received too many yellow/red cards or misses training, you're currently only allowed to fine a player a week or two weeks wages. I'd like to be able to discipline the player even more. Suspending him from returning to the training ground for a few days, forcing him to train or play a number of Reserve/Under 20's games before he's even consider for selection for the first team, telling him that he will be benched for the next 3 games, making him apologise to the squad in a team meeting, calling the player out in front of the media, etc. The manager should have more tools at his disposal for disciplining a player other than "Fine Player Two Weeks Wages" MANAGERS WANTED BY ANOTHER CLUB. This idea has been missing for years. If another club wants you as their manager but you're still under contract with your current club, then the board should be able to reject or accept the other clubs request for wanting you before you even have an interview with the other club. Of course you can just resign as manager if they reject, but these things happens in real life. We're missing a step in this process, the clubs need to negotiate with each other. If the board rejects the offer from the other club and you're unable to talk to the other club, then you can offer the board an ultimatum, resign or discuss your demands if you're going to stay with your current club. ie, demanding a higher wage, bigger transfer budget, a promise that the board will allow you to talk to another club at the end of the season etc etc. Chairmen in this game need WAY more power, because it currently feels as if the manager runs the whole club.. It's the same with the Director of Football, a manager in real life cannot hire or sack a Director of Football, but in Football Manager we're allowed to hire or sack any board members we want (apart from the Chairman) I know you can turn this option off and set it to "Chairman hires/sacks [said role]" but it shouldn't be an option at all if we want the game to be as realistic as possible. If you don't get on with your Director of Football or don't want to work under one then too bad I guess, find a club that doesn't have one or convince the Chairman you can work on your own without one, or encourage him to sack the DoF. The more experience of a manager you are or if you've been with a club for a long time then the Chairman will tend to agree in your favour of letting you choose whether you want to work under a DoF or not. MORE DETAILS ADDED TO INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT. Surely they will finally add features to this area of the game in FM24, I don't think international management has changed since FM07, in fact I remember we had the ability to train international players and now we can't, so if anything we've actually lost features. Adding training for international managers is a MUST for FM24. I still haven't heard of a good reason why they don't add training to international management, even if we had a smaller/limited version of the training that's already in the game for club teams, having a smaller/limited version of training designed for international teams is much more realistic than having no training at all. Players in real life don't stop training when they go on international duty. I remember I had an International manager save and whenever we played teams in a competition the other nations players would reset to 99% fitness, while my players could be anywhere between 40-80% fitness, it just ruins the realism of the game when I'm unable to progress in an international competition because I'm unable to train or rest my players. In real life the World Cup is the greatest sporting event to watch. The excitement people get when the World Cup comes around is unmatched, South Korea vs Columbia, Germany vs Australia, USA vs Denmark, it doesn't matter what game is on, we watch it.. So playing in the biggest tournament in the world, should feel special and different. Yet there's nothing about the World Cup in the game that stands out from other tournaments. Backgrounds/wallpapers/fonts should change, the opening game of the World Cup should be a big deal, the group stage draw should be a big deal, headlines like "WORLD CUP OFFICALLY KICKS OFF TOMORROW", world class players that are in their 30's should be asked if this is going to be their last time ever playing in a World Cup, media should be hectic, goals of the tournament highlights, more hype from fans and media when underdog teams are preforming well, an event taking place when choosing the next host of the World Cup, having all your previous clubs sending you emails congratulating you on winning the biggest trophy in football, etc. Even when you win it, it's treated like you've just won an average trophy. All of your staff should be on contracts. If I offer a role to a coach with my national team, he'll be there until he retires. This doesn't happen in real life. Most of them should be on the same contract length as the manager. When your contract is running out there should be media speculation about who might take over, or whether or not you're going to sign a new contract with the national team, and AI club managers from the country's top league of which you're managing being asked for their opinions, if they would take the job or whether they think you should stay on. Better relationships between international managers and players. I would like to be able to contact a player and tell him if his form for club continues to impress then you'll pick him in the next international squad, giving the player extra motivation to keep playing well. If you're giving a player his first cap, allow us to have a conversation with the player before the squad is announced to tell him that you're going to be pick him for the upcoming national team squad. A complete revamp of the National Pool page. This is another feature that hasn't changed for well over a decade, or even improved. I'd like to see different information next to players, make it easier to find players that are from other countries but are eligible to be called up for your country. When AI international managers are sacked after a tournament, they're always sacked on the same day. This needs to be more random, it's unrealistic and doesn't happen in real life. In real life when nations announce their 26/30 preliminary squad, some nations usually have one or two friendlies before announcing their final list of a 23 man squad, just so they can look at certain players and decide which players will make their final squad, however in FM I've never been able to arrange friendlies during the preliminary squad, because the very next day or two days later I'm then asked to submit my final squad, I then have to remove a couple of players without even a training session or friendly match. I believe FIFA gives nations an entire month from announcing their preliminary squad to their final squad list, yet in FM you're asked to submit your 23 man squad a day after you just announced a preliminary squad. This needs to be fixed so we can at least have a few friendlies before deciding our final 23 man squad. Other features I'd like to see for FM24 are.. APPEALING SUSPENSIONS THAT ACTUALLY WORK. A LIVE 60 MINUTE CLOCK TICKING DOWN ON TRANSFER DEADLINE DAY. BEING ABLE TO TALK TO YOUR PLAYERS BEFORE YOU MOVE TO ANOTHER CLUB, SAYING GOODBYE, WISHING THEM ALL THE BEST, ETC. BETTER RELATIONS WITH YOUR STAFF. A COMPLETE OVERHAUL OF SET PIECES. SETTING UP YOUTH ACADEMIES AROUND THE WORLD, ESPECIALLY IN POORER COUNTRIES. HAVING CONTROL OVER PAYING OFF DEBTS, CONTROL OVER WHICH SPONSORSHIP DEALS TO ACCEPT. FIX THE 'SHOUTS' (I don't even know if this feature does anything, but managers in real life aren't limited to just saying one thing every twenty minutes) IT COULD BE VASTLY IMPROVED, EVEN MAKING IT POSSIBLE FOR MANAGERS TO BECOME IRATE WITH THE REF AND BEING SENT TO THE STANDS, AND AS SOON AS YOU GO TO THE STANDS THE GAME REMOVES YOUR ABILITY TO CONTROL TACTICS OR SUBSTITUTIONS WITH YOUR ASSISTANT MANAGER TAKING OVER FOR THE REST OF THE MATCH!
  2. If FM24 is going to be the final version of Football Manager before FM25, which will have a completely different feel and look, then here's hoping they fix everything they possibly can and add new features that fans have been asking for years on these forums, giving us a complete 'final' version of the game, because if FM25 is going to be different to all the other FM's, then at least we'll always have FM24 for those that are not into the FM25 version: Here's a list of things I really hope they add to FM24. CHANGE THE WAY AI CLUBS/MANAGERS BID ON YOUR PLAYERS. Whenever I try to sell a player all of the AI managers will offer me the exact same amount, it's like the AI managers all contact each other before they place the exact same bid on my player. For example, I'll try to sell a player and amazingly I'll receive about 12 offers all the same (even clubs from different countries) £4.6 million plus 15% sell on fee, and £525,000 after the player has played 20 games or whatever. This aspect of the game needs to be much more realistic. There should be a variety of different offers from clubs that have different reputations within the game, so richer clubs would be willing to pay more of the transfer fee upfront, with some instalments, as happens in the real world of football, whereas lower ranked/poorer teams would try and bargain and offer less of the transfer fee upfront and concentrate more on instalments and ad-ons. Even occasionally having an AI club completely cancelling their transfer bid/interest and instead making a loan offer for your player. DISCIPLINE EXPANDED. When a player has received too many yellow/red cards or misses training, you're currently only allowed to fine a player a week or two weeks wages. I'd like to be able to discipline the player even more. Suspending him from returning to the training ground for a few days, forcing him to train or play a number of Reserve/Under 20's games before he's even consider for selection for the first team, telling him that he will be benched for the next 3 games, making him apologise to the squad in a team meeting, calling the player out in front of the media, etc. The manager should have more tools at his disposal for disciplining a player other than "Fine Player Two Weeks Wages" MANAGERS WANTED BY ANOTHER CLUB. This idea has been missing for years. If another club wants you as their manager but you're still under contract with your current club, then the board should be able to reject or accept the other clubs request for wanting you before you even have an interview with the other club. Of course you can just resign as manager if they reject, but these things happens in real life. We're missing a step in this process, the clubs need to negotiate with each other. If the board rejects the offer from the other club and you're unable to talk to the other club, then you can offer the board an ultimatum, resign or discuss your demands if you're going to stay with your current club. ie, demanding a higher wage, bigger transfer budget, a promise that the board will allow you to talk to another club at the end of the season etc etc. Chairmen in this game need WAY more power, because it currently feels as if the manager runs the whole club.. It's the same with the Director of Football, a manager in real life cannot hire or sack a Director of Football, but in Football Manager we're allowed to hire or sack any board members we want (apart from the Chairman) I know you can turn this option off and set it to "Chairman hires/sacks [said role]" but it shouldn't be an option at all if we want the game to be as realistic as possible. If you don't get on with your Director of Football or don't want to work under one then too bad I guess, find a club that doesn't have one or convince the Chairman you can work on your own without one, or encourage him to sack the DoF. The more experience of a manager you are or if you've been with a club for a long time then the Chairman will tend to agree in your favour of letting you choose whether you want to work under a DoF or not. MORE DETAILS ADDED TO INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT. Surely they will finally add features to this area of the game in FM24, I don't think international management has changed since FM07, in fact I remember we had the ability to train international players and now we can't, so if anything we've actually lost features. Adding training for international managers is a MUST for FM24. I still haven't heard of a good reason why they don't add training to international management, even if we had a smaller/limited version of the training that's already in the game for club teams, having a smaller/limited version of training designed for international teams is much more realistic than having no training at all. Players in real life don't stop training when they go on international duty. I remember I had an International manager save and whenever we played teams in a competition the other nations players would reset to 99% fitness, while my players could be anywhere between 40-80% fitness, it just ruins the realism of the game when I'm unable to progress in an international competition because I'm unable to train or rest my players. In real life the World Cup is the greatest sporting event to watch. The excitement people get when the World Cup comes around is unmatched, South Korea vs Columbia, Germany vs Australia, USA vs Denmark, it doesn't matter what game is on, we watch it.. So playing in the biggest tournament in the world, should feel special and different. Yet there's nothing about the World Cup in the game that stands out from other tournaments. Backgrounds/wallpapers/fonts should change, the opening game of the World Cup should be a big deal, the group stage draw should be a big deal, headlines like "WORLD CUP OFFICALLY KICKS OFF TOMORROW", world class players that are in their 30's should be asked if this is going to be their last time ever playing in a World Cup, media should be hectic, goals of the tournament highlights, more hype from fans and media when underdog teams are preforming well, an event taking place when choosing the next host of the World Cup, having all your previous clubs sending you emails congratulating you on winning the biggest trophy in football, etc. Even when you win it, it's treated like you've just won an average trophy. All of your staff should be on contracts. If I offer a role to a coach with my national team, he'll be there until he retires. This doesn't happen in real life. Most of them should be on the same contract length as the manager. When your contract is running out there should be media speculation about who might take over, or whether or not you're going to sign a new contract with the national team, and AI club managers from the country's top league of which you're managing being asked for their opinions, if they would take the job or whether they think you should stay on. Better relationships between international managers and players. I would like to be able to contact a player and tell him if his form for club continues to impress then you'll pick him in the next international squad, giving the player extra motivation to keep playing well. If you're giving a player his first cap, allow us to have a conversation with the player before the squad is announced to tell him that you're going to be pick him for the upcoming national team squad. A complete revamp of the National Pool page. This is another feature that hasn't changed for well over a decade, or even improved. I'd like to see different information next to players, make it easier to find players that are from other countries but are eligible to be called up for your country. When AI international managers are sacked after a tournament, they're always sacked on the same day. This needs to be more random, it's unrealistic and doesn't happen in real life. In real life when nations announce their 26/30 preliminary squad, some nations usually have one or two friendlies before announcing their final list of a 23 man squad, just so they can look at certain players and decide which players will make their final squad, however in FM I've never been able to arrange friendlies during the preliminary squad, because the very next day or two days later I'm then asked to submit my final squad, I then have to remove a couple of players without even a training session or friendly match. I believe FIFA gives nations an entire month from announcing their preliminary squad to their final squad list, yet in FM you're asked to submit your 23 man squad a day after you just announced a preliminary squad. Other features I'd like to see for FM24 are.. APPEALING SUSPENSIONS THAT ACTUALLY WORK. A LIVE 60 MINUTE CLOCK TICKING DOWN ON TRANSFER DEADLINE DAY. BEING ABLE TO TALK TO YOUR PLAYERS BEFORE YOU MOVE TO ANOTHER CLUB, SAYING GOODBYE, WISHING THEM ALL THE BEST, ETC. BETTER RELATIONS WITH YOUR STAFF. A COMPLETE OVERHAUL OF SET PIECES. SETTING UP YOUTH ACADEMIES AROUND THE WORLD, ESPECIALLY IN POORER COUNTRIES. HAVING CONTROL OVER PAYING OFF DEBTS, CONTROL OVER WHICH SPONSORSHIP DEALS TO ACCEPT. FIX THE 'SHOUTS' (I don't even know if this feature does anything, but managers in real life aren't limited to just saying one thing every twenty minutes) IT COULD BE VASTLY IMPROVED, EVEN MAKING IT POSSIBLE FOR MANAGERS TO BECOME IRATE WITH THE REF AND BEING SENT TO THE STANDS, AND AS SOON AS YOU GO TO THE STANDS THE GAME REMOVES YOUR ABILITY TO CONTROL TACTICS OR SUBSTITUTIONS WITH YOUR ASSISTANT MANAGER TAKING OVER FOR THE REST OF THE MATCH!
  3. If FM24 is going to be the final version of Football Manager before FM25, which will have a completely different feel and look, then here's hoping they fix everything they possibly can and add new features that fans have been asking for years on these forums, giving us a complete 'final' version of the game, because if FM25 is going to be different to all the other FM's, then at least we'll always have FM24 for those that are not into the FM25 version: Here's a list of things I really hope they add to FM24. CHANGE THE WAY AI CLUBS/MANAGERS BID ON YOUR PLAYERS. Whenever I try to sell a player all of the AI managers will offer me the exact same amount, it's like the AI managers all contact each other before they place the exact same bid on my player. For example, I'll try to sell a player and amazingly I'll receive about 12 offers all the same (even clubs from different countries) £4.6 million plus 15% sell on fee, and £525,000 after the player has played 20 games or whatever. This aspect of the game needs to be much more realistic. There should be a variety of different offers from clubs that have different reputations within the game, so richer clubs would be willing to pay more of the transfer fee upfront, with some instalments, as happens in the real world of football, whereas lower ranked/poorer teams would try and bargain and offer less of the transfer fee upfront and concentrate more on instalments and ad-ons. Even occasionally having an AI club completely cancelling their transfer bid/interest and instead making a loan offer for your player. DISCIPLINE EXPANDED. When a player has received too many yellow/red cards or misses training, you're currently only allowed to fine a player a week or two weeks wages. I'd like to be able to discipline the player even more. Suspending him from returning to the training ground for a few days, forcing him to train or play a number of Reserve/Under 20's games before he's even consider for selection for the first team, telling him that he will be benched for the next 3 games, making him apologise to the squad in a team meeting, calling the player out in front of the media, etc. The manager should have more tools at his disposal for disciplining a player other than "Fine Player Two Weeks Wages" MANAGERS WANTED BY ANOTHER CLUB. This idea has been missing for years. If another club wants you as their manager but you're still under contract with your current club, then the board should be able to reject or accept the other clubs request for wanting you before you even have an interview with the other club. Of course you can just resign as manager if they reject, but these things happens in real life. We're missing a step in this process, the clubs need to negotiate with each other. If the board rejects the offer from the other club and you're unable to talk to the other club, then you can offer the board an ultimatum, resign or discuss your demands if you're going to stay with your current club. ie, demanding a higher wage, bigger transfer budget, a promise that the board will allow you to talk to another club at the end of the season etc etc. Chairmen in this game need WAY more power, because it currently feels as if the manager runs the whole club.. It's the same with the Director of Football, a manager in real life cannot hire or sack a Director of Football, but in Football Manager we're allowed to hire or sack any board members we want (apart from the Chairman) I know you can turn this option off and set it to "Chairman hires/sacks [said role]" but it shouldn't be an option at all if we want the game to be as realistic as possible. If you don't get on with your Director of Football or don't want to work under one then too bad I guess, find a club that doesn't have one or convince the Chairman you can work on your own without one, or encourage him to sack the DoF. The more experience of a manager you are or if you've been with a club for a long time then the Chairman will tend to agree in your favour of letting you choose whether you want to work under a DoF or not. MORE DETAILS ADDED TO INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT. Surely they will finally add features to this area of the game in FM24, I don't think international management has changed since FM07, in fact I remember we had the ability to train international players and now we can't, so if anything we've actually lost features. Adding training for international managers is a MUST for FM24. I still haven't heard of a good reason why they don't add training to international management, even if we had a smaller/limited version of the training that's already in the game for club teams, having a smaller/limited version of training designed for international teams is much more realistic than having no training at all. Players in real life don't stop training when they go on international duty. I remember I had an International manager save and whenever we played teams in a competition the other nations players would reset to 99% fitness, while my players could be anywhere between 40-80% fitness, it just ruins the realism of the game when I'm unable to progress in an international competition because I'm unable to train or rest my players. In real life the World Cup is the greatest sporting event to watch. The excitement people get when the World Cup comes around is unmatched, South Korea vs Columbia, Germany vs Australia, USA vs Denmark, it doesn't matter what game is on, we watch it.. So playing in the biggest tournament in the world, should feel special and different. Yet there's nothing about the World Cup in the game that stands out from other tournaments. Backgrounds/wallpapers/fonts should change, the opening game of the World Cup should be a big deal, the group stage draw should be a big deal, headlines like "WORLD CUP OFFICALLY KICKS OFF TOMORROW", world class players that are in their 30's should be asked if this is going to be their last time ever playing in a World Cup, media should be hectic, goals of the tournament highlights, more hype from fans and media when underdog teams are preforming well, an event taking place when choosing the next host of the World Cup, having all your previous clubs sending you emails congratulating you on winning the biggest trophy in football, etc. Even when you win it, it's treated like you've just won an average trophy. All of your staff should be on contracts. If I offer a role to a coach with my national team, he'll be there until he retires. This doesn't happen in real life. Most of them should be on the same contract length as the manager. When your contract is running out there should be media speculation about who might take over, or whether or not you're going to sign a new contract with the national team, and AI club managers from the country's top league of which you're managing being asked for their opinions, if they would take the job or whether they think you should stay on. Better relationships between international managers and players. I would like to be able to contact a player and tell him if his form for club continues to impress then you'll pick him in the next international squad, giving the player extra motivation to keep playing well. If you're giving a player his first cap, allow us to have a conversation with the player before the squad is announced to tell him that you're going to be pick him for the upcoming national team squad. A complete revamp of the National Pool page. This is another feature that hasn't changed for well over a decade, or even improved. I'd like to see different information next to players, make it easier to find players that are from other countries but are eligible to be called up for your country. When AI international managers are sacked after a tournament, they're always sacked on the same day. This needs to be more random, it's unrealistic and doesn't happen in real life. In real life when nations announce their 26/30 preliminary squad, some nations usually have one or two friendlies before announcing their final list of a 23 man squad, just so they can look at certain players and decide which players will make their final squad, however in FM I've never been able to arrange friendlies during the preliminary squad, because the very next day or two days later I'm then asked to submit my final squad, I then have to remove a couple of players without even a training session or friendly match. I believe FIFA gives nations an entire month from announcing their preliminary squad to their final squad list, yet in FM you're asked to submit your 23 man squad a day after you just announced a preliminary squad. Other features I'd like to see for FM24 are.. APPEALING SUSPENSIONS THAT ACTUALLY WORK. A LIVE 60 MINUTE CLOCK TICKING DOWN ON TRANSFER DEADLINE DAY. BEING ABLE TO TALK TO YOUR PLAYERS BEFORE YOU MOVE TO ANOTHER CLUB, SAYING GOODBYE, WISHING THEM ALL THE BEST, ETC. BETTER RELATIONS WITH YOUR STAFF. A COMPLETE OVERHAUL OF SET PIECES. SETTING UP YOUTH ACADEMIES AROUND THE WORLD, ESPECIALLY IN POORER COUNTRIES. HAVING CONTROL OVER PAYING OFF DEBTS, CONTROL OVER WHICH SPONSORSHIP DEALS TO ACCEPT. FIX THE 'SHOUTS' (I don't even know if this feature does anything, but managers in real life aren't limited to just saying one thing every twenty minutes) IT COULD BE VASTLY IMPROVED, EVEN MAKING IT POSSIBLE FOR MANAGERS TO BECOME IRATE WITH THE REF AND BEING SENT TO THE STANDS, AND AS SOON AS YOU GO TO THE STANDS THE GAME REMOVES YOUR ABILITY TO CONTROL TACTICS OR SUBSTITUTIONS WITH YOUR ASSISTANT MANAGER TAKING OVER FOR THE REST OF THE MATCH!
  4. Under the rules tap one of the leagues has four boxes in the competition stage (picture 3). It should only have two boxes with one above, one below. The extra two beside them (which are the exact same) shouldn't be there. All of the fixtures from the Scottish Cup Preliminary Round can't be viewed, however all the fixtures beyond this round can be viewed as normal. I don't know if that's a bug or not, but it seems pointless to be able to view all the fixtures apart from the Preliminary Round.
  5. When you click on the 'list' tab everything appears as it should, but when you click on the little vertical arrows at the top left, to go to the next competition, or even going back to the previous page you opened, then return, all the dates disappear and shows "no fixture data to display" but when you click on 'list' tab again it appears again. It happens in all competitions. It's the only tab where things disappear then reappear.
  6. The media predictions on the season preview list are different from when you click on the teams general page. For example, Aberdeen shows they're predicted to finish 5th, but when you click on their general page, it says media prediction; 4th. St Mirren, shows an 8th place finish on the preview list, but are predicted to finish 12th on their page. It's the same for all the teams in all of the four leagues, and probably the same in other leagues around the world.
  7. Benfica is showing in the list of teams my fans would prefer to play.. one problem, we've both been drawn in the same seeded group, so playing against would them would be against the rules, and impossible. Second issue; in the draw itself when I click "show all teams" no teams are shown, the only thing that appears is a little cross.
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