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Everything posted by McBride

  1. @easymacbb this is still a very useful usa database, especially for those of us who don't care about NCAA. Were you going to make any updates for 23.3?
  2. Are we sure it's fixed? Here's my 880-capacity stadium in Faroe.
  3. in uk and press conferences keep asking me if it will be a problem that I don't speak the language.
  4. Just fond this. thanks from the future! they don't seem to work because the ID's are different
  5. There are usefull things on each page when you are looking for a job and I'm not sure why you have to go between pages to see who's favorites for the job on one AND club reputation on the other.
  6. Why can't you change the physical manifestation of the stadium in PGE or IGE? Let players make them closer to the real things by themselves.
  7. when I say "broken"I mean too poorly designed and maintained to be used.
  8. When your trying to sign players beofre deadline dates and especially continental registrations and you click on"the talk bubble, it you have options to annoy and alianate the player but nwve ra simole "Champions league registration is tomorrow so you may want to make up your mind." This seems like the onlly reason you'd have this but it never does that. I just had 2 players agree to sign on loan the day after the registration was due. I guess no one wants to play in the champions league. THIS IS UNREALISTIC.
  9. used to be you could "offer contract" and see their demands and go back without having to engage but now you can't do that. It this a mistake or a bug?
  10. I took a look and it looks good. Its a good start! the USL Championship is expanding in 2023 with Queensboro FC. Also, were you thinking of putting National Independent Soccer Association (NISA) in there?
  11. that's bad new! is there any other way of comparing trial players with your squad?
  12. This year seems to have improved the realism in the lower wrungs of the game. They play poorly and it looks like a good amount of effort went into it to make it look good. Great improvement!
  13. In the fisrt picture you can see that some of the players are getting a yearly wage which i didn't negotiate and doenst show up on their profile
  14. I did. its calld "Bill Miller - EuroLL- Banbridge Town- Send to SI"
  15. In Banbridge Town save I offered amateur players higher appearance fees which were well within my budget but it made the wage triple. When I looked in the salary commitment it said Iand paying them thousands a year. It this my mistake it it a bug?
  16. It doesn't seem like it was fixed. you still have to add trial players manually and it still removes them when you change the tactic
  17. Seems there's no point in having a senior affiliate to get loan players in a country you can't scout. Surely the senior team would send the affiliate reports on available players.
  18. "go on holiday" and "apply for jobs" works randomly. This is a long standing thing. Half of the timE you come back from holiday and no jobs are applied for.
  19. when you take a player on trial its hard to get them and keep him in the Squad Planner. The button "add to squad planner" does nothing. you have to add the manually for each position and they get removed if you change the tactic! Its either a mistake or a terrible design that makes it unusable.
  20. You should have the opportunity to pick or develop a backroom that you take from club to club.
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