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The Gaffer101

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Posts posted by The Gaffer101

  1. FM 24 is no different to playing a Roulette machine. Its just random you might win you might not depending on what the game decides. Tactics, play ratings just mean very little. I think the game is at a stage now where its all about finding tactics to break the engine. Rather than building a system and then finding the player ratings to match the roles and playing style. In this version it seems very heavy on set pieces and stopping crosses to be successful. Possession football is almost a negative on this game. Its dull to play 

  2. 19 hours ago, zakbrown96 said:

    In real life this happens, You need to change it at times as the AI like opposition managers can learn how to break you down.  

    Regarding the Klopp thing do you have the save? As might be worth a look via the bugs forum. 

    It personally feels a little more like your players just stop playing and they suddenly cant finish, cant pass , cant defend more than the AI getting the better of you. Player stats feel irrelevant this year compared to previous versions. I cant get going 2nd season. I usually get a little drop off when I find a tactic that works but never this badly. Again I get you work hard but this has been a little underwhelming. shame i dont have the time to play the main game. This used to be a fun alternative for people with busy schedule’s. Sorry to keep moaning just a little frustrated with 24 


  3. Usual 2nd season tactic gets found out. I played a season scored 107 goals won the league and League cup. I get the top AI managers on the game like Pep and De Zerbi  can maybe find a way to beat you in the second season. But average managers like Daniel Farke become as tactically astute as Klopp according to SI. Your tactic which worked so well becomes useless. Too many individual mistakes cost you in games. I think the game also overrates players massively 

  4. On 03/01/2024 at 10:18, Dan Sheppard said:

    I've flagged this with the relevant team and will get back to you. It may be a week or so as some of the team are still on vacation.


    On 10/01/2024 at 18:07, Dan Sheppard said:

    Appreciate the feedback! In terms of the Match Engine, it's the same across both PC and Touch so this shouldn't differ.

    If you have any other specifics, feel free to flag them in the bug tracker and one of the QA team can look into it.

    Players with high passing stats just stupidly giving the ball away playing hospital balls across the pitch despite having instructions to pass short and waste time. Defenders with good jumping reach and heading not winning  headers. Its a total mess. I instruct my keeper to play from the back and he just boots it upfield. If The AI wants to win it wins it shouldn’t be that way. Its a game if your tactic is working you shouldn’t get beat by stupid errors once or twice fine but every other game. Its not good this year. I don’t mind losing but when my team do the opposite of what’s instructed its very frustrating its a video game at the end of the day your meant to have some control. 

  5. Its so bad I am actually laughing. Players don’t follow my instructions, AI goalkeepers like Prime Buffon. SI have massively dropped the ball with this I have actually uninstalled and gone back to 23. Really feel I have been ripped off here. Its a total mess. I have been a loyal fan and customer but really praying we get a new Manager game to come along so you lot up your game. Hate to sound rude but the match engine on this feels like it was made by a guy or girl has never even watched a game of football . Heard the main game is a lot better this is a mess

  6. Way too many goals conceded via crosses and set pieces especially corners on the game. Way too many injuries as usual, way too many penalties both me and the AI, pressing is basically non existent tried a few different methods and can’t seem to implement it like I could on previous versions. Selling players a little more realistic and easier than previous versions but still a little frustrating. Its still in general a fun game but does feel a little random compared to the main game. Shamw as I don’t have the time to play the full game anymore. Think 21 was the best version of Fm touch. 

  7. Slight Rant but this years version has been the most disappointing in recent memory  reasons behind this

    1. Injuries get at least 5 or 6 big ones a season despite having physios with 15- 20 rated
    2. Chances missed per game scandalous really I played one game and got 35 shots on goal and lost 1-0 the AI doesn't work you out any more it just ****s you over it happens all the time, ery frustrating
    3. VAR ridiculous VAR goes against me every other game sometimes twice a game
    4. Penalty misses happens all the time
    5. The worst part for me is your plan B never works you go behind in a game and try and play slightly more direct and nothing happens the AI seem to turn into John Terry and Rio Ferdinand combined and you suddenly create nothing.
    6. Tactics mean nothing in this years version you slightly tweak something to turn your form around and what happens you end up getting 3-0 hiding
    7. Watford are over powered in the game
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