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Everything posted by JoaoBarbosa

  1. Hello. Club emblems disappear whenever the pre-game editor is used. kind regards
  2. Hello. The Portuguese version has spelling errors, grammar errors, lack of translation, errors in the names of Portuguese clubs due to laziness (!!!) and inconsistencies due to laziness (!!!). In FM2020 it already happened and I reported it, but no one paid any attention. However, a game like this cannot have problems like the ones I mentioned. I suggest that, in future versions, someone corrects the Portuguese edition. My best regards.
  3. Olá. A versão portuguesa tem erros de ortografia, erros de gramática, ausências de tradução, erros no nome de clubes portuguesas por preguiça (!!!) e incongruências devido a preguiça (!!!). No FM2020 já tinha e reportei, mas ninguém deu importância. No entanto, um jogo como este não pode ter problemas como os que referi. Sugiro que, em versões futuras, alguém corrija a edição em português. Os meus melhores cumprimentos.
  4. Hi, I have a bit of a strange problem. I created a country, with leagues, clubs, cities, stadiums... everything. That was the "easy" part. What happens is that when I enter the game some club logos are missing and the club history and records have disappeared. This problem did not happen to me with FM 2020 Has anyone had this problem? How was it resolved? Thanks in advance.
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