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VV Bal op de Lat

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Posts posted by VV Bal op de Lat

  1. (posted this exact same message in the off-topic forum, but felt it would fit in perfectly in this topic too. Don't know what the differences are between both topics :brock:)

    I've been lurking for quite a while now and slowly starting to contribute more to the forum. I think the SI forum is a great place for all FM-players.
    My first experiences with Football manager were back in the days of Championship Manager 01/02. I was 13 years old and always managed PSV with Mark van Bommel, Arjen Robben, Mateja Kezman and Wilfred Bouma as a very solid base. Totally fell in love with the game back then and kept playing CM 01/02 for 4 or 5 years or so.
    After playing CM 01/02 for 5 years or so I lost the interest in gaming. But with FM15 I fell in love again with the amazing world of football managing. Had some big struggles with FM 15 but decided to buy FM 17 to give it another go.
    Had some very different savegames in this game: from a very succesful PSG save to some very challenging LLM and Journeyman saves.

    Right now I'm managing Bath City in the Vanarama South. 

    I like to keep my savegames very realistic and have made a habit of comparing every decision I make in-game to what would be realistic in real life. So, for example, I don't use the player search screen and I start with the lowest possible attributes as a manager. I don't use tactics from the tactics forum, but like to get  inspired by the many approaches that are documented over there. I think the tactics-forum is the place on this forum where I spent the most time lurking :D (I don't really feel like contributing very much over there because I'm far from a tactical genius). 


    Well, I guess that's more than enough about me. I felt it was the right time to introduce myself a little bit more but I'm now finding that I just keep on blathering on about myself and that was never the idea in the first place. So there's that.

  2. Hey THOG,

    I don't know if you still read this thread. And I see that there hasn't been a reaction for almost 6 months now. But I feel that this topic is solid as it ever was and therefor deserves some new attention.

    I have read this topic a year ago, when I just started to play fm 15 again after a break of a few years from FM. At that time, I thought that this was just a good thread with some very in depth info in it. For me, as a 'new' player, maybe tóó in depth.
    But recently I have been struggling with FM, tactically. I'm really trying to make my tactics better and trying to focus on football with a high block and great amounds of possession, but the more I tried thinking about it and reading about it in different topics, the more it confused and frustrated me. Even a week ago, I was really considering throwing the towel 'cause I thought: man, this TC is just too vague for me. 

    But then I stumbled again on this topic, and I must admit that I was wrong when I read it a year ago. This topic is not 'just a good thread with some very in depth info in it'. This topic is the very best topic I've ever read and I can now say for certain: it saved me from quit playing FM because of my frustrations with the TC. Now I am really enjoying my savegame again because I finally understand what I'm doing in the TC. Now I'm not only winning games, but more important then winning: I understand what's happening in game and why it happens, knowing more from the TC.

    I owe you a big thank you mate. And I really believe that many FM players still can learn very much from this topic. It should be the first go to for everybody struggling with the TC. Especially chapter 4 helped me a lot.

  3. Just now, Dr. Hook said:

    Sounds like you are getting unlucky for the most part. What does help is players with similar personalities- if you are really mismatching them it seems to be more likely to end as you are experiencing- but there is always a large element of randomness in it.

    tnx for the quick reply! I tend to try to change a player's personality from -for example- balanced to professional. Is that too big of a difference between the two personalities? Or is it still bad luck that the tutoring doesn't work?

  4. [Football manager 15 tutoring problem]

    In my 5 season-in career at PSV I was not able to successfully tutor any of my players, despite that I've payed attention to (as far as I know) all the important conditions for succesfull tutoring:

    - the tutor is older than the tutee
    - Tutor has got a better reputation
    - Tutor has got a higher wage
    - Tutor has got a better personality (I mostly tried (model) professional tutors, but also spirited).
    - Both tutor and tutee are familiar with the same playing position(s).

    At every attempt I've tried until now, the tutoring stopped at an (too) early point, saying that the tutee can't learn from the tutor because of the differences in personalities. Both the tutor and tutee and up being upset/disappointed about the frustrating period.

    Am I overlooking anything in this? What can I do to succesfull tutor my players?


  5. Hi Cleon,


    What a stunning thread! For years I've been having not at all happy with my fm tactics, because I only could get a attacking style of play working. That said, I absolutely love counter football and thus got more and more frustrated about playing the game tge way I did.


    Could you or someone else help me with the question: will this way of forming a counter style of play work in fm 15 (because of the differences in me 15/16)? What do I need to change/keep an extra eye on when I want to get counterfootball working in fm 15?


    Thanks for helping me out

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