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  1. You could try pass into space and I've also noticed they tend to do it more when you have an advanced forward
  2. I agree with this. I don't have any issue with pacy players causing problems for my team however, what I don't like is when I have a team with very good positioning, anticipation, concentration and decent pace getting beat almost all the time. Italy won the Euros with Chiellini and Bonucci abd the only time I remember either of them getting beat was Saka on Chiellini.
  3. They've said before that highlights usually begin that way because it's a natural way to start a highlight because there is a break in play. I watch on comprehensive and you see a lot more of what goes on
  4. You don't think it will still end up like how it is now? The preprogrammed pattern of play for the AI will never beat the creativity of the human manager
  5. I've just seen Chelsea play well for most of the game and be a threat whenever they went forward but for some reason the manager decides to park the bus with 20 minutes left and guess what? They never went forward after that and eventually concede. This has nothing to do with FM but it just made me laugh
  6. I think the starting point is always to ask the player’s agent because you get information regarding the player’s interest in joining you, potential asking price and wage demands. You can also reduce the wage demand if you talk to the agent. By asking the agent you can already know if you can afford the player or not
  7. @batsy23 I've only read the first page so far and while I do agree that sometimes the game can seem like you're finding a meta instead of managing a football team, I still think that other systems work as well. The tactic below is what I'm using at the moment (ignore the players. I also don't know why it says "custom vertical tiki-taka as I didn't touch any of the presets) and I wouldn't call it a meta tactic and it has been working very well so far, the lines are not super high, I'm not using low crossing or high tempo either the only roles that change in some games are the RPM and WB to DLP and WB on support. It's not a plug and play system either because I tried it in a different save I carried over from FM23 with a struggling semi-pro team and it didn't help at all
  8. I don’t have access to the game at the moment but usually it tells you if a player is eligible if his born before x date so although his still 21 he might have been born after that day.
  9. In your shortlist untick the box that says "keep scout report up to date"
  10. I agree with you you. My argument was not the achievement per say but the fact that they will some kind of data that they use when deciding the direction they want to take the game and although we players might see the game a certain way because of how we play the data might say something completely different.
  11. Those are the kind of data a company would use to make future decisions. Not everyone who plays the game comes to the forum to interact so although most people that come here find the game easy the reality is that most people don't so it's unreasonable to dedicate too much resources to only accommodate 38% of your fanbase. I know this is just for steam and there are many more people that play on console now plus I have no idea how they count the player; does it count people that installed the game and played just once or does it only count people that have played for a specific amount of time.
  12. It has always been very close in FM compared to real life
  13. I think that rule is there because in some leagues when a young player has a year left on his contract (in England it is 6 months) if another team offer him a contract they would have to pay a compensation fee but if the contract has run out they won't have to pay any compensation fee
  14. I think it was 2 years or 3 years ago when they did that but not to this extreme and this form was filled with people complaining that their players couldn't play 3 games in a row because they were tired. We see the same with injuries where every year people complain there's too many injuries when in reality it's nowhere near to the amount of injuries IRL. Also in defence of SI they did introduce sprint capacity which if I remember correctly it was every player knowing how much they can sprint before needing to recover and Jack Joyce did mention that I see the good there are 2 condition bars where I've functions like stamina bars in some games where if you run or do something physically demanding that bar will run out quickly and you have to rest a bit before you can do something else which is physically demanding so maybe if you out all that together it evens out. I have no idea
  15. My point was that even if the roles get little tweaks every year the fundamentals are still the same. A wingback is not going to suddenly start acting like an inverted winger
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