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Everything posted by DarJ

  1. If you are managing in England it's a month not 6 so you will be able to offer contracts to foreign players with 6 months left but for domestic players you have to wait a month to do that
  2. I miss read what you were asking. I don't think you can do that
  3. just go to the detail level page and you will be able to see all the countries loaded
  4. @Domoboy23 When you actually watch the games in the ME do you feel like there are big issues with how the game plays out? The reason I'm asking is because personally, when I watch the game actually playing out I don't see big issues with it (although there are things here and there that annoy me) and to me that's better than if the numbers at the end match up 1 to 1 with real football. I think that this year SI have done a good job with the ME because it plays really well and looks closer to actual football then any other version of FM. My second question is would you be happy if the stats and numbers were 1 to 1 with real football but it plays bad in the ME? Now I understand that you spent your money on the game just like me so you expect your expectations to be met and there are 6 million of us so you can understand that they are never going to make all of us happy so we need to find a middle ground some how.
  5. I feel like there should be a separate place in the forum for people to ask questions because most of the feedback thread ends up being people asking questions, someone answer any a bit of back and forth like I'm doing now 😁 instead of actual meaningful feedback
  6. Why do you care so much about what the game calls your tactic? They can't read your mind and don't know what you're trying to create
  7. I've noticed that players start asking for new contracts when they're in good form so what I've started doing is benching them and after some games they come back saying they understand that their form has been bad so they don't deserve a new contract
  8. If I've gone through the pain of setting opposition instructions for very position please don't let me have to toggle them on on each player before every match. The way is implemented is even bad because if you enable it for the first 11 and someone comes of it resets so what you have to do is select all the players in the match squad and then turn it on.
  9. I actually used to enjoy the media interaction and the mind game with AI managers in big games but since it already takes me too long to get through a season because I like to do everything myself and watch all games in comprehensive highlights I just stopped doing them to save me time. The only thing I do is team talks and sometime I just let my assistant do those
  10. Monday is strange but the 4pm is not unusual for FM. The beta usually comes out between 4pm to 8pm except that one time it was released very late. we have known the release date and time for a while now so I’m guessing they already have everything in place to make that happen smoothly
  11. Removing it improved the game speed so it’s a good trade off for something few people use anyway
  12. I think It has more impact than the number of players and leave you have loaded
  13. I've had AI managers complain that I'm not playing them but nothing more than that. I'm the one who usually ends the loans
  14. If by permanent you mean they remain solid even Eden the ball is underneath then your only option is to use skins
  15. It's still an average. You need to watch the games instead to see what they do
  16. I'm not sure about that. I went to look at my FM23 save in the Danish 3rd division and this is the conversion rate. it isn't that different from FM24
  17. So when you look at the data hub you need to try and put everything in context for example when you're in the quadrant where you make fewer blocks and clearances it doesn't necessarily mean that you're bad defensively it could be that you dominate possession and you can't perform blocks or clearances when you're in control of the ball so the first thing you need to look at is your possession numbers if it's high then you have nothing to worry about bit if it's low then you need to look for why that could be happening. I wouldn't really worry too much about the defensive efficiency also because you're only 6 games in and you're almost in the middle for opposition conversion rate so that could still go back. Your defensive action seems a bit weird since you're trying to press high. Look at the graph for possession gained to see where you are winning the ball back. For context I'm playing a 433 like you and this are what my graph looks like which looks okay to me
  18. This will be useful to very few people but I've seen people complain about this so here it is. You can go back and watch the entire 90 minutes of a game you've played. To do this first to preference and search for "when viewing matches from the start screen" change it from "show final results and stats" to "play through match from start". once that is done you can go into your game and save and match you want to rewatch. To do this go to your fixture list and click on the result of the game then it will take you to the summary page. On the top right of that page you will see where it says "save match" when you click on it a pop up window will ask you where you want to save. When that is done all you have to do is go to the start screen of the game and on the the right where it asks you if you want to start a new game or load a game just click where it says more then pick the option that says view match then a popup will appear and you will be able to choose the match you want to rewatch then change it from key highlights to full match then click play.
  19. I don't think that's an issue. You only see it as an issue because you're watching highlights and that's what it shows you. I'm pretty sure if a real match was given to you in highlights and you watch 10 of them back to back you will see something similar
  20. Rotate your players with rest and recover sessions like others have mentioned
  21. I'll start collecting clips and when I have enough I'll open a bug thread. The frustrating thing about it is that the striker is in eyesight of the player on the ball so he should be able to see the space
  22. One "issue" I'm having with the ME is that players tend to ignore passing options in the middle and go wide. I've see numerous occasions where one of my midfielders have the ball and the striker is free in space and rather than playing the ball through to the striker in space to put him 1v1 with the GK they go wide instead.
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