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Posts posted by HullCity1904

  1. 1 hour ago, Experienced Defender said:

    Okay. Just keep in mind how great an effect the mentality - and hence any change of it - has on everything. Also, the mentality is not primarily about the style of play.  A lower mentality alone will not make you defensively solid, nor will a higher one make you more attacking by itself. In other words, you can be very solid in defense on a high mentality and - by the same token - pretty much vulnerable on a lower mentality. 


    While you do need to add more penetration - including through more attack duties - you should not do that on a random basis (i.e. by just adding more att duties just for the sake of having them). How you distribute these duties - and to which roles you assign them - is as (If not even more) important as the mere number of them. 

    I can give you an example (or two) of how you can achieve more penetration while keeping good overall balance of your setup, if you want me to?

    I'd like to see some examples please.

  2. 3 minutes ago, HullCity1904 said:

    Hello again everyone. from what I've read a ryzen 3 laptop seems to fit what I need, but they make it sound like I don't need a graphics card. If that's the case there are some laptops available for quite cheap. Am I wrong here?

    https://uk.webuy.com/product-detail?id=slaphp14cm099965b&categoryName=laptops-windows&superCatName=computing&title=hp-14-cm0999na-ryzen-5-2500u-16gb-ram-256gb-ssd-14"-windows-10-b this for example

  3. 3 hours ago, kevhamster said:

    It does depend on your current computer - it may well be the integrated graphics will only handle the 3D match engine on low settings, and if it is an older computer this is very likely to be the case.

    However, to give you two real life examples:

    That is footage taken from one of my laptops - this one has an AMD Ryzen 5 2500U CPU.  This is FM19 running with the 3D match engine at high settings - as you will see from the frame counter at the top, it's running around 30fps and being rendered at 1080p.  This is with integrated graphics.

    I also have a laptop with an older CPU (a 5th gen core i3 - specifically the i3-5010U), and I've been playing FM20 on the 3D match engine at mostly medium settings (except textures, which I've set to high and shadows, which I set to low), and this is running 3D at a similar frame rate, albeit at 1366x768 resolution, also with integrated graphics.  I've had to use this one for FM20 as the other one is currently in the process of being replaced due to a fault it developed.

    Point is, these newer processors should have no issue handling FM at medium settings, and possibly more depending on how good the integrated graphics capabolity is.  For reference, the integrated graphics seem to be stronger in the AMD Ryzen chips, but for overall PC performance the Intels are still the winner overall.

    Dedicated graphics cards are nice to have, and indeed will be essential for many modern games, but FM can be played with integrated graphics, and in some cases this can be at high settings.

    But in terms of the point I made, the difference between the two graphics cards is unimportant for FM, as either will be able to handle it at the highest settings and not even break a sweat.

    Thanks very much for the reply and the Information.

    For example at Currys would an achieve be better or a gaming laptop solely for FM. ?

  4. 7 hours ago, kevhamster said:

    They are very similar - the one from Very has a marginally better graphics card (completely unimportant for FM), but the one from Currys has twice the storage.

    Personally, out of the two I'd go for the Currys if I was choosing.  There's very little in it in terms of the graphics card, and that's quite an increase in price for a marginally better GPU.  Of course, it does depend on if you play other games too.

    is that right? I have to run the 3d match engine on low settings, I assumed the graphics card caused the lag on higher settings? 

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