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Slates84 last won the day on November 12 2023

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135 "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"

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  1. Erm apart from the date that’s pretty much exactly the same update we had nearly two weeks ago 🤔
  2. What about the ridiculous amount of goals being scored, that’s not very realistic
  3. Yeah I agree league specific issues are what is definitely the biggest game breaking aspects of the game. It usually requires a new save for the fixes they make to work, which is a huge annoyance
  4. What’s disappointing for me is that SI knew what was going to happen with the game. Always thought it was strange when they suddenly changed this yr from “beta” to “early access”. They knew they wouldn’t be changing any part of the game before it’s full release on 6th Nov, and so calling it early access meant they could get away with not fixing any issues. I just feel they knew what state the game was going to be in, and therefore circumvented that by calling it early access as a way out of not having to fix anything. Never have I recalled the game being in pretty much the same state it was when it was first accessible in the beta stage. I just don’t understand why, are they putting more resources into FM25, and so this took a step back in their focus?
  5. And that is so easy to embed, I’ve worked with Creative Assembly on Total War games and I tested beta updates for their games pre release, very straightforward to implement on steam
  6. They deleted my post as well. I spent over £40 on this broken game
  7. Sometimes I question if they actually fix what they say they have in the patch notes…
  8. Have you got a save just before the player becomes unhappy? If so I’d upload it in the bugs forum so they can replicate it and investigate it
  9. Yeah I know about that, but the coming soon about the update which hopefully will address the bigger concerns which are causing games to be unplayable for some
  10. Yeah some comms would be nice considering how many people are taking the time out of their days to give pretty in depth and comprehensive feedback in this thread on how the game can be improved/fixed.
  11. I think at this point we all want to know how long is “coming soon” for the next update. No way can I start a long term save currently!
  12. Is this on a new FM24 save you started or on an imported FM23 save? Cause that is a major issue for long term saves
  13. With that being the case, I may now wait until the next update comes out as “some” of those fixes may not be save game compatible either 😬
  14. Having played FM for years and knowing how the games pan out, FM25 with its new engine you just can guarantee will be an absolute s**t show on release.
  15. Yeah I just had a look in the bugs forum, their non urgent response to the issue was quite alarming considering how wrong it currently is!!
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