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Everything posted by Sheila

  1. Sorry the whole thing loks like its being dumbed down (especially visually) just so it can be sold on console in hopes of grabbing more of the FIFA crowd, than actually doing what they promised in bringing us a better game and not just a yearly reskin. I'm assuming this years version will be alot cheaper since they're stripping it of features and adding very little to it.
  2. I do apologise @Mik_Fe I haven't been checking this forum recently. The proper 433 works great the game has never really been able to work out how to defend against it. Its greatest weakness is against teams that play 442 oddly enough, which is all but extinct even at the lower levels these days.
  3. Yep play a real 433 with 3 strikers but for some reason, it keeps picking my target man! over either of my wingbacks
  4. Same formation I've been running since Champ Manager 01/02 days. Score 3 or 4 goals a game on average.
  5. Does anyone have any idea how I set who is my throw-in taker? At the moment it auto-selects one of my 3 strikers to take the throw-ins in when I'm in the final third which is stupid as I want all 3 of them in the box
  6. All attacking throw-ins. After selecting either work the line or retain possession nothing happens. Also with the middle third, it won't let me select defend in the scenarios section either auto moves over the attack
  7. Grimsby Town player roles Mullarkey is down as a CB-only which he does cover however he is primarily used as a Wingback
  8. grimsby2.fm uploaded to the SI Cloud Service.
  9. Not sure if I'm putting this in the right section, but selected formations, corners, freekicks and throw ins don't stay. They disappear after each time I click continue.
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