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Posts posted by Zeldster

  1. Zhejiang_Yiteng_FC_logo.png

    Shaoxing Keqiao

    Season 9

    Squad | Transfers | Finances

    League: Another step towards the goal as we managed to achieve our best ever finish of 3rd as well as qualifying for the champions league for the first time! Our tactic seemed to nullify opponents this year as we had the 2nd best defensive record for goals against. That led to the joint lowest amount of defeats but still had to many draws which ultimately cost us the league. We went into the final game of the season, a title decider against Beijing which we lost to a 79th minute goal. Was just happy to finally qualify for Asia to test our selves against clubs across the globe, so wasn't to disheartened by our shortfall.



    Cup: Was a season of improvement all round, as we reached our first final in the clubs history! Though our nemesis in the league was also our downfall in the cup as they beat us convincingly.



    Youth Intake:





    A really good season all round, only real downside is that we didn't finish with any silverware! Looking at the Asian Champions League, Shandong have just won said competition who we was battling with for the league. They only overtook us on the last game of the season, so hoping for a good showing in Asia if that is anything to go by.


  2. Zhejiang_Yiteng_FC_logo.png

    Shaoxing Keqiao

    Season 8

    Squad | Transfers | Finances

    League: Our best season to date, Mid-Table exactly. Some promising form seen us in and out of the Champions League places but we just couldn't keep up with the pack as our form dropped off. Only 11 points from top, if could turn some of the draws into wins we could be in with a shout for top spots.


    Cup: Not much to talk about here, went out in our 2nd game as we was beaten convincingly. 


    Youth Intake:

    Some good prospects once again, really happy for Xu Jun (GK) as he is on par - if not better than with my current GK.





    A really good season for the team but individually, some of our lowest statistics to date. We got the Youth Facilities maxed and Recruitment improved, so hopeful for a slightly improved intake next year(Fingers Crossed). Had two approaches this year from other clubs, first Newcastle followed by Eibar. Also had to cash in on Shihao 05a for 5m but did negotiate 25% of the next transfer fee.







  3. Zhejiang_Yiteng_FC_logo.png

    Shaoxing Keqiao

    Season 7

    Squad | Transfers | Finances

    League: Survived by the skin of our teeth, was out of our hands before the games kicked off. We picked up our 3 points and had to hope either Bj BSU in 14th or Wuhan in 13th lost. Although we finished just above relegation, when comparing our stats against the previous two years - we was only 7 and 3 points behind our two 10th place finishes.



    Cup: Another year, another poor cup run.




    Huang Tingfeng 01b: Last year was the only year he failed to hit double figures in goals. He's returned to his old boots and picked up the Local Top Goalscorer again with 14 goals. (Chinese only players)

    Wu Lei 06c: Picked up 6 goals throughout the season playing as a winger or striker. First real season so hoping for him to kick on again next season.

    Xu Bo 06b: Only half good CAM I have at the club, 3 goals and 4 assists - looking for him to improve on this next season.


    Youth Intake:

    Got a new HOYD in Indian legend; Sunil Chetri. Hoping his model citizen personality encourages a few good personas. My last HOYD's tactical style was route one with a long playing style and I felt the players he was bringing through had no technical ability. Sunil Chetri prefers a Fluid Counter Attack with standard stlye, hoping it brings through a few CM's who can pick a pass. Another promised golden generation, think I've had one every year since I took over. My top 3 picks;






    Felt like it was just a unlucky season, kept conceding late goals - need to perfect a shut-up shop tactic for grinding out them last few minutes. Highest rated player wants a move to a bigger club. Will be looking to cash in on him as he enters the last year of his contract as don't want a repeat of Mingtian leaving on a free.





  4. Been trying to get him to sign a new contract for the last two seasons, kept refusing as he wanted to move to a bigger club. Upon reaching his last year, I decided to try and cash in on him - to which he complained that he didn't want to leave. I thought, OK I'll apologies and you'll sign a new deal after the promise is fulfilled. Promise is completed but still wouldn't sign a new deal! Ran his contract down to the end, left the club and entered the free agency. Had a new club within 4 days, only positive is it's not another Chinese club. Won't be so trustful next time around!



    Contrast in our sponsorship's, compared to the top end of the table.


  5. Zhejiang_Yiteng_FC_logo.png

    Shaoxing Keqiao

    Season 6

    Squad | Transfers | Finances

    League: Another 10th place finish, though we was 4 points better off than last season. Started of really poor with just 1 win in 9. Found a bit of form in July and August but just couldn't settle on a tactic through injuries.


    Cup: Got through to the quarters, coming up against Shandong. The result doesn't tell the full story of the game, as it was close in terms of stats but they just had the composure to put their shots away.




    Ye Dongsheng 03b: Another good season for Dongsheng but didn't play in as many games as last season due to injury.

    Bi Shihao 05a: Had a good first season, picking up 6 goals and 6 assists from various positions across the front 3.

    Jiang Xiangbin 05c: Another one from last years crop, stepped up at CB and RB when injuries struck.


    Youth Intake:

    Blessed with another good year, as a handful or prospects look hopeful. Pleased with Xu Bo 06b, as my CM has been a little light lately. Lastly, got my first non Chinese player, a French GK. He'll need to take up the nationality though, as we are unable to sign any non Chinese GK's.







    Just going to keep chipping away at the league, letting my players grow into the team. My team is almost all but 2 or 3, NewGens now, with my first ever youth intakes just hitting the age of 21. Had another few improvements go through over the season but will probably have to look to sell some more prospects to improve them any further. Really need to get settled on a tactic, hopefully the injuries will not be as bad next year. Also had another takeover go through, 2nd since I've been at the club.




    Also got my first job interview from another team, Bournemouth in the Championship.



  6. Zhejiang_Yiteng_FC_logo.png

    Shaoxing Keqiao

    Season 5

    Squad | Transfers | Finances

    League: A promising first season in the Super League as we comfortably survived relegation and finished around mid-table. Was chopping and changing tactics all season trying to find the right fit. Found joy with a 4-1-3-2 with 3 CM's and pulled of some decent results.


    Cup:  Defeat in our first game in the cup, to opposition in the First Division as well.



    Huang Tingfeng 01b: Another goal scoring season as he picked up the Top Goalscorer Award for the division, with the next nearest being 4 goals behind him.

    Wei Mingtian 03d: Played well paired up top with Tingfeng, chipping in with 11 goals and 7 assists. Also had the highest average rating across the season.

    Huang Yuming 02e: Another good season for us, stepped up into CM a few times due to injuries. Has also picked up 2 more caps for China - totalling 3 so far.

    Youth Intake:

    Bi Shihao 05a: Will have to change my formation for next season to try and fit this guy into the team. 



    Jiang Xiangbin 05c: Have 2 solid CB's at the moment so will attempt to retrain him as a RB to push my current starter as he's not far off from him.



    Wei Chenglong 05b: Was running thin on the ST department so is a welcome sight, just a shame about his finishing may retrain him into a winger/wide target man.




    Another Mid-Table performance is what I'm hoping for as our squad is still very young. Only retained on of the original players there and he is the oldest player at 25. The rest will all still be under 21 next season. Another season where we lost a couple of players who would have been in and around the squad but we received decent money for them and improved the Facilities some more.


  7. Zhejiang_Yiteng_FC_logo.png

    Shaoxing Keqiao

    Squad | Transfers | Finances


    League: Another 4th place finish, though this year we was in and out of the promotion battle. A measly 2 points from our last 4 games wasn't enough to keep up with the pack. Was hard not to be disappointed with the way we finished but would of required 4 out of 4 wins to reach that 2nd place finish. Went with a 4-3-3DM this season to try and tighten up the defense but seemed to cut the goal scoring threat we held with a 4-4-2. 

    Cup: Knocked out by Super League opposition Zhejiang in the 4th round with a 1-0 defeat, with their 1 shot on target. 


    Huang Tingfeng 01b: Led the line again with his goal scoring. Actually had a bid of 6.25m accepted by the board for him. Was pleasantly surprised when he turned down the offer and decided to stay with the club.

    Huang Yuming 02e: Became a key player in the team from the start of the season and chipped in with 5 goals to boot as a CB.

    Ding Ming 02g: Another CB, played well through out the season and became a first team player.



    Youth Intake 2024:

    With clubs poaching my players last year, I managed to get just over 5m in the bank. I promptly pumped that into any improvement I could. I managed to improve my training and youth facilities but was more impressed with my Youth recruitment which was improved twice from fairly basic to average. Another promising intake, a lot of promise in a few players. Also hoping one of the wingers will surpass their potential as the others from previous intakes haven't made much progression. Also signing my players to full time contract straight of the bat to avoid losing them for buttons.


    Ye Dongsheng 03b 6'6" giant CB who will give my 2 from the previous year a run for their money.


    Yu Kui03c will walk into my LB position.


    Wei Mingtian 03d will partner Tingfeng 01b going forward as I look to sell my 2nd choice striker Yang Fangzhi.



    Another little question for anyone. If you look at Ding Ming02g, he is training in new positions without any individual focus in said position. I'm not even playing him as a ST or CM but he has over time become more comfortable in them positions. Is this something that will happen naturally? Only other thing I can think of is when he plays for the u23/u19 he plays there but that hasn't been much this season as he has been a first team starter all season when available. 



    Shaoxing Keqiao

    Squad | Transfers | Finances


    League: Another 4th place finish in the First Division, missing out on promotion by 5 points. We was in for a shot at it with 5 games to go but we just couldn't keep up with the leading pack. A bore draw and 2 defeats ensured we would be spending another season outside of the Super League.  Though we where scoring for fun in the league as we topped the scoring charts, albeit our defense is still leaking goals as we placed 6th worst for goals conceded.

    Cup: In the Chinese FA cup we managed to reach the 5th round (we start from the 3rd) beating Super League team CZ Mighty Lions in the 4th round on penalties after they scored a late equalizer. Shenzen put our cup adventure to an end with a 2-1 defeat in a game where we looked the better team.


    Huang Tingfeng01b led the line for us and had a dominant season as he picked up the top goal scorer for club and division. He was clear of 2nd place by 6 goals. Teams have been sniffing around him since the July transfer window but we managed to keep him settled. Could be another summer of struggle trying to keep him grounded.

    Wang Ji 01f didn't start the season for us, but had a great season of development and ended up finishing the season as the number 1.

    Li Chenlong 01d also played most of the season as a CB, mainly due to our poor choices in the position.



    We also had a takeover go through where the new owner pumped a whopping 80k into the finances. Sadly, it was quickly gone as we are losing just around 200k a month.



    Youth Intake 2023:

    We had a pretty good intake once again with probably 1 player making the starting 11 and a handful entering the first team squad right of the bat.

    Li Dongsheng 02j will slide right into my LM, sadly his personality came through as unambitious.


    Dong Yu 02c will be my 2nd choice left back and will be rotated in against weaker teams.


    Yu Ye 02f is already my 3rd best CM.



    Also, I've never touched training since playing football manager always leaving it to my assistant manager/coaches. Do you guys feel it would be best for me to get my hands stuck into all of it? I do some positional training and some attribute focus but never touched the whole scheduling stuff.

  9. Zhejiang_Yiteng_FC_logo.png

    Shaoxing Keqiao

    TableSquad | Transfers | Finances


    Got off to a poor start only winning 1 game in 6 whilst I was trying different tactics. Got settled on a 4-4-2-DM, worked well unless a team was utilizing a DM which overcrowded my 2 strikers. Pretty happy with a 4th placed finish from a media prediction of 13th. That poor start could of been the difference in promotion.

    Youth Intake


    Got a pretty good first youth intake with 3 players being able to fit straight into my squad, sadly they couldn't help for the last few games of the season without being registered in a window.

    Liu Xuefeng a promising CAM with low determination, not currently utilizing a CAM so a tactic tweak is needed. 

    Huang Tingfeng will be my 3rd choice striker, so will be rotated about.

    Hu Xixing 2nd choice right back.



  10. Been viewing this topic for a while now and always found it interesting. Finally taking a shot at it in China.


    Shaoxing Keqiao

    Squad | Transfers | Finances

    According to FM the club was founded in 2021 but through a quick google their name is coming up as Shaoxing Keqiao Yuejia F.C. Company that currently holds them has changed the name on multiple occasions since 1996. Also went for a female manager, why not?



  11. Summary:  Starting to upgrade youth facilities in the future of 2026 but will be finished in 2025.

    Description of Issue: Requested new youth facilities from my board which they initially rejected before accepting on review. Noticed the start date for the project is 27/3/2026 but somehow the finish date will be 13/12/2025. Inside club vision/board requests it does note it as "Started (29/8/2025) - Completion (13/12/2025)" - included within screenshot.

    Steps to Reproduce: Requested new facilities which they rejected. Spoke to them about the issue to which they accepted.

    Files Uploaded to the OwnCloud:  Save File: FM21 - Dates



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