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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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    Aston Villa

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  1. Gutted. Cheers for your help. I’ll delete my current editor data, I think I know what might be causing the issue.
  2. Any Update on a resolution to my ticket? Willing to try anything 😂😅
  3. So is there absolutely nothing I can do at all? This is the second save I’ve lost in a row and I’m desperate to keep this one going. I simmed ahead a season before I started the save and there was no crashing so baffles me how it’s happened now. Desperate not to lose this one any ideas at all would be much appreciated. Also when I remove every graphic and editor data and delete all preferences and caches it still crashes so can it still be a database issue despite all that?
  4. The number is 560365. Have also attached the save onto the cloud and is stated in the email. Desperate to save this save as it’s the second save in a row. But all the details are in the ticket, hopefully you can help me out.
  5. Made a support ticket item with Sega a few weeks ago with a similar issue on a separate save which I was told they could do nothing about and was forced to abandon that save. Since then I started this save and the first thing I did was simulate to next season, which was successful with no issues or crashes hence showing my graphics and data aren't the issue in crashing as this would have crashed again. Since then I have ended season 1 of my new save and on the 29th June continue to crash as I approach a new season over and over again. I am baffled. Throughout the whole save up to this point I have had zero issues. Please from the bottom of my heart don't come back with nothing can be done again. I love this save and this game. I have tried all the below: 1. Removed all editor/skin and graphics data and cleared all caches and the preferences file but still crashes. 2. Tried to simulate time forward. 3.Uninstalled game and updated MAC to the fullest. 4. Checked any Anti-Virus Software 5. Restarted Was told on my latest ticket to raise a thread on the developer forum however couldn’t find one that specifically fit that so have raised here. If this is the wrong place could I be directed to the right place. Any help would be massively massively appreciated I am desperate to save this save.
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