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1 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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    Aston Villa

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  1. When reviewing squad selection advice I might not agree with all suggestions and so de-select some of the recommendations hoping to keep the player I'd originally chosen in position. However, if I deselect a recommendation it leaves the position empty meaning I have re-select a player on the tactics or team selection screen. The interface should retain original team selection choices if you de-select recommendations.
  2. Two of my players had goals in the Goal of the Month. When I clicked 'view goals' the highlight reel only showed me one of my players' goals. The goals in question were scored by different players but both in the same match. The highlight reel showed me Wanner's goal (3rd place) but not Trincao's (1st place).
  3. I'm pretty sure it's intended behaviour - always happens, irrespective of FM version. I think stats should be retained so that the user can select stats from current season, last season or see a rolling set of stats that are not affected by seasons ending/starting. Thanks.
  4. Here's the PKM. And the save game is called 'Nicholas Rubin - Aston Villa jwp.fm'. Everton v Aston Villa.pkm
  5. When looking for players during pre-season all stats are reset meaning I can't see how well they've performed in recent months and compare players based on their stats. I realise that the reset is probably because a new season has started but presumably this doesn't invalidate the value of the stats that were available 'yesterday' before the new season started. Stats should be available either on current or past season, and rolling x months basis too. Also it might be useful to be able to see how a players stats (e.g. xg) has changed over time (e.g. season to season). Not sure this is a bug - i.e. pretty sure it's a feature - but feels like a bug!
  6. When reviewing finances I can use the CTRL button to select specific income categories to be displayed on the chart. I can also use CTRL+A to select all income categories. This doesn't work when reviewing expenditure - I cannot use the CTRL button to select specific expenditure categories or CTRL+A to select all expenditure categories.
  7. When comparing two coaches (particularly set-piece coaches) it would be helpful to see how their set-piece preferences compare on the tactical tab.
  8. In past versions of FM I could review my main squad's overall depth in each position - i.e. excluding unowned players. FM24's squad planner doesn't have a main squad depth chart, though it does for U21 and U18 sides. The closest I get in the Squad Planner includes unpurchased players. Please bring back the squad depth diagram or at least allow me to fully exclude unpurchased players from the diagram. thanks.
  9. Ordinarily I delegate responsibility for U21 and U18 training etc. However, I spotted in the development centre that team cohesion was really poor for both the U21 and U18. Having searched for advice on how to solve this problem, one recommendation was to take responsibility for U21 and U18 training. Upon doing this I now have access to dedicated U21 and U18 Dynamics. However, when I select Overview from the U21 or U18 Dynamics pull-down menu it takes me to the main squad's Dynamic's overview. Consequently I cannot load U21 or U18 overviews and so now cannot see the overall Team Cohesion and Club Atmosphere for my reserve sides to see if my control of team training is making a difference. Nb I can load the dedicated U21 and U18 Hierarchy and Social Groups screens.
  10. Happened to take a look at my High Intensity Sprint stats in the Match Stats and noticed that the Full Match and Second Half values are the same for both sides, even though both sides completed sprints in the first half - see screenshots.
  11. Received an opposition report for my next opponent and loaded the XG Match Story but it contains no narrative or information to help differentiate which of the two XG lines belongs to each team.
  12. Minor issue but the row of stats for the MotM only highlight some of the stats in blue, the remainder remain in white. Presumably the entire row for the MOTM should be highlighted in blue?
  13. When adding players to the squad planner the squad depth and full squad views include players not at the club (i.e. not signed). When I set the filter to exclude players not at the club, the squad depth and full squad views continue to include players not at the club. Ideally the filter should exclude these players so I get a more accurate view of my squad's depth. In addition whilst I'd like to exclude unsigned player, it might be good to be able to include players even if they are out on loan.
  14. Done. The saved game file is called 'Nicholas Rubin - Aston Villa jwp.fm'
  15. During a press conference one of the reporters' questions is worded incorrectly. They stated: 'Serge Gnabry scoring an a cleanly struck effort...'. Underlining added to emphasise incorrect grammar.
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