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Issue Comments posted by GJS93

  1. not sure if its a solution or just luck, had the same problem but i went in to attacking third and changed it to long throw, then set the takers on left as my left backs in the squad, right backs on the right, changed it back to work into box and it seemed to do as i wanted for all three areas in the one test game i watched in full


  2. so fast forward into season 3 as well....

    spfl trophy situation is the same as in my first post.

    the league schedule, again all 3 leagues have no scheduled fixture on 19thapril which is scottish cup semi final date when they should all play that date. on the flip side, championship and league 1 teams have a full schedule on the scottish cup 5thround date when there should be no fixtures scheduled.

    also, in both seasons, the bottom 3 leagues finish a week later than probably should? which causes the problem with the playoffs?

    back to the original post, this should be of use, the dates for next season are available here Key Dates | SPFL


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