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58 "Houston, we have a problem"

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  1. It's nice for a neutral to point out how good Emi Martinez is. Most neutrals seem to hate him, and the idea an elite player could play for Aston Villa is a difficult one for many, despite in this case, the player winning literally every individual and collective international allocate he can. Thank you.
  2. Toney looks pretty accurate to me, but I guess a deduction in pace/acc could be deemed a realistic nerf to balance out with a finishing buff.
  3. Are you are using a small sample size of just this season and total, not p/90? I usually use a 365 day sample on fbref if I want to make a convincing case. 9 games, statistically speaking, is not significant. Over the 365 day period Pau is 5.6 PP p/90. Romero 4.34. If Romero continues his impressive 23/24 output you certainly have a strong case, but just to illustrate the weakness of small sample sizes: over the first 6 game weeks Romero completed 21 PP or 3.5 p/match. Pau completed 31 or 5.3 p/match. 21 PP were in 1 match against Palace. Now, Romero has done fantastic in the last 3 matches vs 10 man Liverpool, Luton and Fulham but who knows if it's sustainable. His career to date suggests not, as do the first 6 weeks of the season.
  4. You are forgetting about Pau Torres. He is clear of Romero in PP and PCD, he is clear of Dias, Dunk and Anderson as well.
  5. tbf, although I think Martinez could do with a buff his CA is better than Onanas'. 78 vs 77. I've laid out a better argument for a Martinez buff in the Premier League Data thread.
  6. Hello, thanks for the work into the new game- really enjoying it thus far. Although mostly spot on, I wonder whether a few attribute changes to some Villa players could better mirror reality and add to the immersion of the game. The goal here is not buffs or nerfs for the sake of it but to better reflect the tactical style of Villa under Emery through the attribute system. I understand this is subjective but in previous iterations I've had really constructive conversations with the Villa researcher @LewParsonsAVFC so I thought it might be worth adding my thoughts: Martinez: I think generally because he plays for Villa he's underrated by football supporters outside of B6 and Argentina, but 'Capable GK' seems a bit of an understatement . Getting away from subjectivity, Emery has turned him into a high frequency sweeper. Villa play a very high line and Martinez's ability to read and intercept opponents through balls is absolutely key to this. He does this very often and with a high (but not perfect) level of success. This is reflected here in the data: https://www.premierleague.com/stats/top/players/total_keeper_sweeper?po=GOALKEEPER. Martinez is an extremely imposing Goalkeeper in the box and mobs up any floated crosses that come near him. This is reflected in fbref data: https://fbref.com/en/players/7956236f/Emiliano-Martinez. Suggested changes: Rushing out: 14>17, Positioning 13 > 15, Jumping reach 15 > 17 CofA 14 > 17. These are huge buffs, I know but Martinez has the accolades and the evidence base to back them up. Think of the Argentinians! Torres: I feel a bit of a rework is needed here. He is a fantastic player on the ball, but defensively perhaps not quite so much. Torres is not the best in the air, in fact the stats https://fbref.com/en/players/532e1e4f/Pau-Torres and the eye test suggests he's below average, due to his limited physicality. I think a big nerf here is necessary. Strength 16 > 13 Jumping reach 17 > 14 Bravery 14 > 12. He also doesn't seem the quickest off the mark. Acceleration 15 > 12. He is however an elite level ball-player and line breaking cb. A buff here would reflect how Emery uses him in the Villa system. Passing: 14 > 16, Vision 11 > 13, Composure 12 > 15, dribbling 11 > 13. Some traits could also match how he plays IRL i.e. switches ball to other flank, tries through balls. Leadership at 6 seems very low for an experience player at the highest level, perhaps the Villareal researcher could shed some light on that. Mings: Mings is a bit of a colossus in the air and 6'5 and physically very strong: Jumping 15 > 17 Strength 15 > 17. Passing dribbling perhaps a touch generous and could be downgrading to balance things out. Passing 15 > 13 Dribbling 13 > 10. Digne: Digne is comfortably slower IRL than is reflected in his attributes. This is obviously an eye test thing but for eg when Villa went to Anfield TAA and Salah exploited this a few times. Acc/Pace: 15/14 > 13/13 Douglas Luiz: The buffs here are noted (CA buff to 73), thank you! The trouble I have with his representation in game is he's not really the stand out player technically he is IRL and Luiz's best role in game is Mezzala. It just doesn't reflect the reality of how Emery is using Luiz, IMO. I don't have much stats wise to back this up, other than fairly arbitrary player rating stats, it's all eye test so I'll just leave this as a discussion point. EDIT: After watching the West Ham match I believe all his attributes should be changed to 20 EDIT: Having viewed the CA buffs of comparative midfielders like Bissouma (CA 80, 3 point buff on last season, and Bruno G (CA 83, an excellent season, but he's not 10 CA points better than Luiz) I do think a bigger Luiz buff is warranted. He was Villa's SPotS and PPotS, and he's started the season on fire. That's it other than to mention Rory Wilson is 183cm https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/rory-wilson/profil/spieler/924859 and in game is 176cm and McGinn needs taking off the transfer list. Thanks for reading and considering these points.
  7. Just to add: Is it possible to adjust players accepting AI contract offers for much less wages and money than you have offered, even when your club is the preferred destination? I get it where a player is going to a bigger club or is an unsettled current player, but it's jarring in prospective players due to the higher levels of transparency prior to meeting the agent (player is very interested in joining your club, less interested in other bidding clubs). Example: I offer X player who has stated my club is this no1 choice 55k pw, but ends up going to 2nd choice as squad player on £35pw. I don't think I'd call this a 'bug' as such, and I'm sorry but I do not have the screen shot- it's hard to know this is happening in advance, and the game appears to have deleted the news item that allows you to offer a contract. If I can evidence this better I will but maybe some light can be shed around the logic of player/agent choices here.
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