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Novem9 last won the day on November 4 2023

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1,435 "Carpe diem. Seize the day"


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  1. Probably meant Excel tables, which are sometimes called FM, and not visual design
  2. My first thought is that SI decided to make a single version for all platforms, so as not to waste time for different versions. I'm not sure that the problem is in Unity, since games with a rather complex and multi-level interface were released on this engine. More like a conscious choice. I was disappointed by this “second quarter announcement” itself, in which they showed us literally nothing. But I don’t like what I saw at all, I expected the most deep interface with adaptation for 2k/4k monitors
  3. Looks unconvincing to me. It looks like some kind of mobile game tbh
  4. I play journeyman save every year. It means I see results of AI management every time. Every next FM edition is better, and every time it's not enough. Issue with not registered players also linked that sometimes it's really difficult to sell even a good player. Even for 0 (zero) price. After all, I decided to stop playing journeyman, because it ruins a magic for me. But I have q hope about AI progress in next years
  5. Well, that sounds logical, the opposite would be strange In the end, they should just be interested in sharing the results of their work. I don't remember when competition in video games pushed developers to reveal information. Some companies are open, like Paradox or CDPR. Others keep their cards under table until a last minute
  6. For me, Ronaldo is a great example of how any person loses the ability to evaluate himself soberly and not listen to outside opinions. Although Ronaldo loved dribbling at Man United, I don't remember him doing much harm to the team's performance. He became Madrid's top scorer for several years, easily overtaking Raul. And his selfishness was forgiven for this phenomenal finishing. But looks like he cannot accept the fact that his best years are over. He is phenomenal for his age, but seriously, enough. This number of offsides and now missed chances looks pathetic. Even his passion for unsuccessfully taking freekicks became a meme even in his best years. He achieved greatness because of his ego, and the ego is not going to back down
  7. I expect that the Czechia - Turkiye will be the most furious and attacking match of the third gaming day. It's literally all or nothing for the Czechs, I was impressed with their shot numbers against Georgia. But the Turks are unlikely to play to hold the score. I will be surprised if Portugal messes up with Georgia. The Georgians play bravely, but the class and experience of the Portuguese should make the difference
  8. Frankly, I was expecting screenshots of interface and different windows, like tactics, finances, squad, schedule, etc. A couple of minutes of video in the game engine for sure, as well as a demonstration of how much faster the game runs in day processing. Given the complete silence on all radio frequencies, I don't learn from my mistakes. I would like to say that those who planned the marketing do the same, but I don’t know details. All I can say is that I COMPLETELY don’t understand how in 2024 you can sell your product this way
  9. Even Rockstar released a trailer for GTA6 (release not in this year), but M-s has his own standards
  10. Looks like you don't appreciate flag stickers on your manager's cheek
  11. I remember that the moderators were constantly patrolling that thread. But were there many interventions? It was just a group of cheerful users causing comic chaos with GIFs. Were there any malicious offenders?
  12. I wonder how much the editor will be redesigned. The community deserves a tool that allows you to quickly raise unplayable countries without any risk of losing your save after a couple of months.
  13. Still, it's a bonus. I'm really looking forward to news of a manifold increase in the speed of processing days on a large database. A new interface core that will not inherit bugs for years to come. Modern graphics and animation. And I'm not even mentioning the classic stuff like AI management, AI players, Match Engine.
  14. Q2 = last week of June looks like SI really don’t like to rush into announcements and make premature promises. Anti Paradox Interactive, where we know almost everything about a game at the pre-alpha stage already
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