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Posts posted by SaxonHuscarl

  1. 1 hour ago, craigcwwe said:


    Similar experience to yourself too. 

    I stripped back my 4123 into a 4411 and play on balanced instead of positive. Removed almost all of the PIs and cut down on one or two TIs. Changed my striker from a DLF-s to an AF and the same striker has gone from scoring 12 in 31 games (all comps) to scoring 24 goals in 33 games. 

    The idea of how we play has remained the same but I've changed the formation to give my players more space to attack into both centrally and on the wings and the difference coupled with some other tweaks has been clear to see. 

    Going to try this out.... i'll report back if successful... if I don't i'll have switched to space invaders

  2. Just now, Welshace said:

    Because they don't transplant the old ME from fm19 into fm20?  A new game bring about a lot of fundamental changes and improvements under the hood so essentially you ARE back at square one to balancing the new ME,  each has it's own quirks and issues to balance it and it will take time..


    It's like asking why with each version of windows why is there still a load of updates to download instead of it just being the same as last year with a few tweaks..

    I think the game of football is a lot less complicated than Windows.... but I get your point

  3. 4 minutes ago, pheelf said:

    It comes as no surprise to me that you are struggling playing a tactic like that. You state that the only way to play the game is to play the ME and that you can't control what happens in a game unless you instruct the team to play in a prescribed way but what are your ideas for how you would like the team to play?

    It's very difficult to decipher that based on your tactic that's filled with so many different instructions and contradictions. Trying to fix issues with it when it's going wrong would be a nightmare given that there are so many variables that would need to be taken into account.

    As for why your two best performers were Leadbitter and Grigg. Well, they done the job you expected them to do and thus individually they performed well even if the team collectively was poor. Leadbitter provided the most key passes in the game which is his job as a Regista and Grigg scored which is his job as your only striker which is reflected in both of their ratings.

    I think you are putting too much stock into the in-game advice which is rather surprising coming from a player who has played this series of games extensively over a number of years given that you should know that the in-game advice is poor at best.

    You state that you have read a lot of guides and taken a lot of advice, well if that's the case, how did you come up with a tactic as unbalanced as this one? I think maybe you've become overloaded with information and are struggling to assimilate it into a coherent whole. I don't know why you have ignored @Welshace comment about keeping things simple and watching your games as I feel that is the key to making improvements. 

    There are issues with the ME which have been repeated ad nauseam on this forum but what players aren't taking into account is that the AI will also suffer from the same issues given that the ME can't distinguish between the human player and the AI.

    I think the reason why the cycle of ME development isn't in line with the release dates of the game is because they continue to make considerable changes to the ME all the way up to March. Therefore I think they can only really start to focus solely on the next version after the final patch which means that unlike other components of the game the ME doesn't get as much development time before release.  

    Yes, but the whole point we're making is why does the ME go back to zero every year?... a little tweak for any additions to the game like VAR etc then that's understandable, but football is football so why mess with something so drastically that gets fixed.... Every year

  4. 17 minutes ago, duesouth said:

    Agree with the sentiments in the last few posts.  Compounding the problem - they released the beta with a new ME - and we had the 1 on 1's issue which was very, very obvious after even a handful of matches.  Ignoring the fact that this shouldn't have got through alpha testing, we then had a very short turnaround time for the ME team to get out a patch for the official release.  That rather rushed patch then gave us further problems.  They've had a go at fixing with this beta - but via Miles on Twitter, we know it's not going to be released as an official patch - but we don't know what's happening outside of they are presumably not happy with the ME and are working on it.  My last job was with with a customer service focussed company - and they demanded us as employees to be very up front and honest with customers about problems - but always with a positive message about what we were doing to fix the problem.  I think that kind of focus would be very well received from most of the community.

    I do think they needed to change the FM19 ME though - I mean it was OK, but blocked crosses and most of your goals coming from wide/crosses didn't make it great.

    But certainly given the very short life cycle of the product - release in November and SI will stop working on it outside of major crash issues in March - here we are on 31 January still waiting...

    Not sure on the answer - but for me the focus of FM21 should be the ME - get it right on release, and then don't make any major changes (which will have domino effects) for FM22/23.  Outside of the ME, FM20 is really good, so I would be willing to buy a product that isn't that different outside of the ME - but after pre-ordering FM20 on faith, I have to admit I won't do that again and I might wait until the final March patch before buying it.

    Yes, totally agree with what you say, but the added frustration is that for any football fan you really want to start playing FM when the season starts.... it's already 2-3 months post season start.... and that's frustrating enough...to buy it and start playing in March is even worse.....Although that's what actually happens because the game is flawed until then anyway ....Ha... Here's an idea.... maybe if they rewound their calendar to keep it in line with most major league season starts Spain/Germany/France/England/Italy etc .... And before anyone says 'yeah, but what about transfers etc, they take ages to update'.... I insert a file into the EDT folder from this website every time I start a game.... They are the terminators of up to date transfers... less than a day to be up to date.... Live Football Manager Transfer Update by Football Manager fans

  5. 9 minutes ago, andysafc said:

    this has been my feeling for a long time. They have been making this game for over 25 years... should they need to keep changing the ME? Can they not settle on one ME and then mainly update the database?

    They have done this several times where they have taken several patches to get the ME right and then next release is bugged to hell and needs several patches, each release rinse and repeat. I started in FM 20 really good then as @SaonHuscarl says you have to completely scrap it and start again. Complete waste of time, but to do it year in year out. 

    I do feel there is a certain arrogance about the fact that there is no rival game, they know there's enough people that love football... They know we are going to buy the game... I admit over the last 3 years i've refused to buy it...Then buy it anyway so i'm exactly the sort of mug i'm describing.... lol!... I didn't buy 19 until September.... a couple of months before 20..... doh.... Anyway.... I don't care if it's just a data update, introduce all sorts of weird and wonderful stuff.... Just sort the bloody ME out and don't make transfers unrealistic... that's the heart and brain of the game. Tactics... that are reflected in the ME and building/training a team to play in them.... Everything else is decoration.

  6. 13 hours ago, GOODNAME said:

    And one more thing

    Even that i dont think this is the worst ME ever , im sick wating to January to get decent ME

    in FM 21 i will not pre order the game like usual for 10000 % 

    Defo agree with this... I've been playing this since CM 1.... The last few years have all been utter frustration until Jan/Feb when they finally sort out the ME.... What I don't understand is that each year is just a database update and something stuck on, like different training or a development option blah blah... So why does the match engine go back to zero...? If you have FINALLY sorted out a decent ME.... why bugger it all up EVERY YEAR and take 4 months after release to sort it out? I haven't completed a 'proper save'... 4 seasons or more, because every time I get going there's another patch to the ME and it breaks your tactic.... I can't load/save as it destroys the whole point... For gods sake sort out a final ME and keep it.... with MINOR tweaks for new stuff like VAR etc.... rant over

  7. Hi Knap, played FM since CM1, I have always downloaded tactics rather than create my own, maybe tweak here and there etc. Have downloaded yours as well as TFF and others. It seems that over the past couple of seasons that defensive looking formations 4132 4141 seem to be the only way forward. I've just downloaded your 4231 from FM scout but not sure if it's for the latest patch.... sick of all these early patches every year tbh. Game never seems to settle until February every year, restarted god knows how many times due to patch changing everything... haven't completed a season yet :seagull:..... anyway my point.... in your opinion is a 4-1-2-3 wide or 4-2-3-1 a lot less efficient throughout the season to achieve the same result as these more defensive looking formations? In other words should I forget about playing this way and adapt to the defensive looking setup if I want to stop pulling out whats left of my hair... cheers

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