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Posts posted by screwyiimp

  1. transfers is ruing the game for game me 

    not 1 single bid in 6 years for my players arsenal where interested in the 22million rated viera and would have to bid 30 million for the" 89million realease clause " thats about the only sniff ive had , i have transfer listed 20 million rated players let them go for nothing and pay there wages as part of a free transfer 

    just 1 example luke ayling rated 17.5 million offered him around for 5 million no offers offer him for free and aston villa bid but want me to pay 5k of his 16.5k wage which i agree to as its non nego of he goes to villa who pay him 28k a week unreal i thought the 5k was because they couldnt afford him , but then a AI team will bid 15 million for a 10 million rated rightback who wasnt as good as ayling its like its coded to stop you from getting transfer money and the AI just bid amongst them selfs 

    i have now resorted to cheating and making up a fake manager who takes over a team just to buy my players at market value as its the only way to sell players and its ruining the game for me 

    oh and the 3k regens you bid they want 40mill you refuse and stick to 5 mill they refuse but sell to there AI coded team for 300k must be my stupid tactics :) 

    please sort it out 

  2. 41 minutes ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

    Perhaps he thinks he'll get more game time at York. Perhaps his agent is getting a much bigger fee. Perhaps with all the hidden contract bonuses, it's working out better for him to move to York. Perhaps it's a longer (or shorter) deal than you offered which suits him better. Perhaps he has favoured personnel at York. 

    We don't know of course, because rather than provide actual evidence, you've just ranted in an nonconstructive fashion.  There's any number of variables that can affect a player's decision to join one club over another for less basic wages.  

    when you scout a player you get to see his contract , but like you say it could be coded that way which is a simple enough answer isnt it because it sure as hell isnt a bug :)

  3. 15 minutes ago, Lucas Weatherby said:

    The feedback isn't constructive or valid when you are being argumentative and sarcastic. I understand you're frustrated, but there's no need to making snide comments, it's unacceptable.

    ok point taken its frustrating because its ruining the game for me but it seems when you post anything negative about the game your shot down thats just my view , anyway its posted in the bugs forum now so will see where that goes 

  4. 1 minute ago, herne79 said:

    Enough now.

    You raised an issue, you were advised how you could constructively help SI look into it further and you've given nothing but sarcasm back since.

    People do get banned, threads do get deleted or closed, but pretty much only for the reasons you are demonstrating.  If you have feedback, post it.  If all you have is more sarcasm, don't bother.

    is it sarcasm because it dont suit your agenda ? im giving MY FEEDBACK about wages and contracts i play the game have done for years so im giving my FEEDBACK on trying to sign players and as its  ruining my gaming experience  what is wrong with that ? or is it part of the game  and i just except it , if it is then fair enough but some feedback from SI would be nice after all its a feedback thread 

  5. 24 minutes ago, Scotty Walds said:

    You need to give up with your attitude, read the replies you are getting and then either follow their advice, or stop moaning.

    ok give me some advice then 

    how can i sign players who ask for 2.5k a week but my max wage is 1.8k a week but then the said players accepts a wage of £500 a week ? take the player in bostons team ( before the update ) he was on a non contract ( the midfielder ) tried to sign him for lincoln  he wanted £900 a week i only offered £600 a week plus £200 apperance fee/ goal bonus   unused sub etc would of meant he could earn over 1k a week if  he played 2 games a week now he turned me down the £0 a week at boston must be better ? but in my game he signs for york for £450 a week how do i get round that ? it happens every year in the game , now when people moan about i had 30 shots on in a game and 65% poss and the AI team beat me 2-0 with only 4 shots people jump straight in and quote real life games etc so if its a real life game then it should happen in FM , so in real life why would a lad from boston 30 mile up the road refuse £600 a week when hes earning £0 a week in a lower league ?

  6. Just now, KUBI said:

    You are obviously not interested to improve the game. Otherwise you would post into the bugs forum and provide what is needed to adjust and fix what you think is wrong in the game.

    i could rant all day what is wrong with the game but i will be quoted real life games like greece v someone etc i have played the game for over 10 years transfer and wages have never been fixed same as AI issues so i could  write down everything that is wrong with the game but the only response i will get is banned from here , intresting you couldnt answer my questions though but rather diverted away from them  goodnight 

  7. 15 minutes ago, KUBI said:

    Matches you can save on your computer and upload, so the developers could investigate the 6+ times of hitting the post in all matches.

    why would the developers investigate it we all know the games perfect!   nothing is perfect is it just people quote real life games when people say i had 30 shots and 65% poss  etc and the AI had 4 and won  2-0 tell me how many times do barca play like that in real life and get beat ? how many players move to lower league clubs for 75% less wages you have offered them ? how many clubs sell a player to a team for millions less then what you offered but wont even entertain your bid ? 

  8. On 06/03/2017 at 17:33, TiagoVieira said:

    This game is turning in something very similar to CM3. Not sutch a big crapp, but it's giving true large steps for it.

    A 3 defence for 1 striker is no, a 3 man surromding 1 and let him keep the ball is not, a team defend whit 10 man and being able to put  5 to 6 guys is not real, not even close, a team that do this and when losses the ball they are able to return to defene position is BS, it doesn't happen. A keeper defending 5 or 6 CCC and end below 8 is stupid. If this a true simulatior, this type of crap doesn't happen is real life.

    you forgot hitting the post 6+ times every  game  this happens in real life 

  9. not sure if this has been mentioned but wages are big pain im managing lincoln div 2 every free agent i try to sign wants 2.5 k my max wage is 1.8k i try making it up in bonuses etc every player refuses but they move to a vanarama club for £500 a week killing the game for me , and also my players were on a 6 game losing streak couldnt score for toffee so i dropped the whole lot of them played my youth team went to top of the table exeter and won 5-1 so does the ME take into account player stats ? as 15/16 year old youth players wouldnt all make there debut at the top team and win 5-1 but my youth striker finishing 5 comp 7 scored 3 great goals shame theo robinson cant !!

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