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42 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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    Liverpool, UK

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    Olympiakos SFP-Liverpool

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  1. I think this may depend on the team IRL, but at Liverpool I'm sure I've seen Henderson been given the armband by both Van Dijk and Milner several times, even when they haven't come off themselves at the same time.
  2. To me, Man City and Chelsea look the same in terms of prospects. It's not like he's gone to West Ham. Also, there aren't that many places that Pep could possibly go to as he'd definitely not go to a team without money. What's left, Real Madrid??? I think he's going to Chelsea as a "new challenge" to see what all the fuss about Sterling is about!
  3. I usually sell them, as when managing a smaller club, the money coming in is usually worth it and I may find someone better. I actively start looking for someone better right away. The money may also help me in better squad building too. I never offer them out, but I'll accept a request to leave. Still, I won't accept bids that I don't deem to be worth it, though I'm never unrealistic and I'm willing to negotiate. If I really want them to stay, then I don't offer them out and I don't accept their request to leave. I carry on playing them and I'm hoping that success on the field and the time that lapses will eventually calm them down to the point where I can offer them a new contract. If the board intervenes then I surrender and just argue their value with whoever tries to get them, so I can get as much as I think they can afford to separate with.
  4. I've made my peace with the ME years ago, so I don't let it frustrate me. I know when I get a corner that there'll be one opposition player unmarked outside their penalty area who will get the ball to his feet nine times out of ten and drive straight through my defence, but not always scoring - I keep 3 players staying back at all times (and make sure that none of them are taking the corners). I know my players will walk the ball out of the pitch, while the opposition player will manage to get there and in one go send a curling ball across almost half the pitch to land perfectly at the feet of one of their attackers - never seen any of my players do that. I know the long kick of the ball and over my defence will be perfectly controlled by an onrushing attacker driving unopposed right through the heart of my defence to score a goal - but that happens for me too, though not as often. In this version, in my beta save, I lost 3 games on the run by one crazy shot in each from outside the area and the other team had an xg of 0.01 at the end of the match and I had xg of over 3.00 and an average of 3 CCCs & 5 half chances from around 12 total shots (no penalties) - such was my luck. Even though I know some things will happen in a certain bad way for me and I experience new ways that things go bad for me, I still just roleplay it in my mind as a misunderstanding, bad luck or something else and move on - I ain't got time to lead myself into a negative place. I understand football, tactics and movement when I see it live or on TV and I can talk about them for hours, but I know that I'm terrible at being able to recreate anything from scratch in the FM tactics board, so I just stick with the presets and occasionally I win. What I find works for me is that if I persist with the tactic and the familiarity and team cohesion increases then eventually my team will get better in winning - this seems to work better when playing with teams that are predicted to finish middle of the table and lower than what it does with big teams - more forgiving I guess. And then when I gain in reputation I join a big team and carry on with the success. I'm lenient with my team when it is building on familiarity and team cohesion, so I don't let the bad results get to them, while still telling them it's unacceptable when I really think it is, but I always defend the team and myself with the media. It's a strategy that seems to be working for me. My irrelevant opinion is that the ME will never be as perfect as I would like it to be and nobody else will ever come close to what SI is achieving with it. They've entertained me for more than 25 years and I can play the game, so I'm happy with it!
  5. You may wish to un-tick the option "Leave player (or staff) screen when you click Back" in Preferences under Interface (Player Screen). That may solve some of the issues you have there.
  6. It's all Greek to you, isn't it? So, you want to see the best teams play each other rather than seeing Real Madrid spanking semi-pro teams every other week and, let me think, oh yeah, the best teams are the same teams that play in the group stage of UEFA's Super League every year - then yeah, it is hypocritical to claim that the two are somehow different. Also, have you noticed how your words are so close to how the Super League was promoted? "The best clubs. The best players. Every week." Those are all your arguments in favour of UEFA's Super League, aren't they? Oh, and in UEFA's Super League almost all clubs from the top 4 leagues are guaranteed a place in the group stage every year, making it 16 guaranteed places --- oh, all of a sudden it doesn't sound so much different from the Super League promoted philosophy of 15 founders and 5 annual qualifiers, does it? Imagine 193 matches between the best 20 teams every year rather than just the paltry what - 40/50 matches now. Doesn't it just make you salivate!!! What did you say, there are around 16 other clubs in UEFA's Super League- not just 5? But didn't you say you wanted the best teams to play each other... erm, wouldn't that make you an advocate of the Super League, too? Why play against these other 16 teams when you can guarantee to play against the best teams every week rather than spank "semi-pro" teams every other week, huh? Is your problem that maybe Leicester, Real Sociedad, Atalanta or Hertha Berlin do not get a chance to play in this? They've hardly played in UEFA's Super League in the last 30 years, have they? That is why you're insisting with this? Because one privileged team is not as privileged as the top teams are? And your argument is that this one privileged team should get a chance, but not the ones less privileged than it? Yeah, right! Hahaha!!! I'm a "champion" pedant, oh yeah! Not a "super" freak like Gary Neville, Sky & the rest of the hypocrites who freak out every time they hear the word "super" in football! Thank you for the laughs!!! Good night and good bye! *mic drop*
  7. Hahaha!!! Half the teams that play in the group stage of the "Champions" League are not "Champions", just UEFA's way to reward the money "earnt" from the teams of the top 4 leagues and therefore a Super League. The basis of UEFA's structural changes to the Champions League since its change from the European Cup is exactly the same as the one the Super League envisioned - it's the same teams and national football associations that influence UEFA after all. Money, money, money!!! I think we've established as clear as a sunlit day that I hate the new Champions League format, but I hated all its iterations too - while you just love it to bits! Money, huh? I have now said the same thing three times and each time your reply has proved my point! You can have the last say, bye!
  8. I stand by all I said, because "a bit too biased" is still biased. Also, all the things you said just prove my point. You've got a weird definition of the word "merit" when you also say that you see the UCL is a bit too biased towards the stronger leagues. Most (if not all) of the rules are made in such a way that they only benefit the few. So yeah, I can certainly argue that the UCL is similar to the SL because... money rules! I just can't stand the fake romanticism of some people, particularly those that don't see that their teams are benefitting enormously by either of the two systems because deep down they are one and the same! Well, UEFA has fooled them all by further enhancing their own SL while they feel they beat the big enemy away! Hahaha!!!
  9. UEFA announced this monstrosity in May 2021. The Super League was announced in April 2021. People were too blinded by Gary Neville and Sky to realise that they are being played and the Super League is happening. The big teams and the top 4 leagues want a bigger cut and UEFA is giving it to them, as they have always done, because their monopoly is seriously challenged. The 4th team in almost all of the top 4 leagues could go straight to the group stage of the Champions League thanks to its country's co-efficient, while the champions of the 12th best league in Europe may have to play 3 or 4 qualifying rounds in the Summer when they build their teams and pre-season gets squeezed by international competitions. Tottenham have never won a Premier League and go straight to the group stage while Olympiakos Piraeus who's won 17 of the last 20 leagues in Greece almost always have to play in the qualifying rounds (3 this year from mid July). And by opening up the other European competitions to those that fail in the one above, makes sure that the teams from the top 4 leagues that failed in the previous ones and those that finish between 5th place and 8th place in the top 4 leagues can win those too, therefore making it even more difficult for teams from other countries in Europe to win any of them. It's almost certain now that teams like Steaua Bucharest, Red Star Belgrade, Panathinaikos (boo!), Goteborg, Dundee United will never play in a final again. The next time you hear a fan from any of the top 4 leagues complain that the bigger teams are benefiting by UEFA or cry about the Super League call them hypocrites and laugh at their face because they are too part of the problem.
  10. I'm glad you like it! And thank you for proving my point that the change only benefits the top 4 leagues in Europe, while my team in Greece (being the champions) have to play 3 or 4 qualifying rounds in the summer with no chance of a pre-season (and even worse if there's an international competition taking place too).
  11. It's a terrible idea! They just changed it to make sure that all the teams from the top 4 leagues make it to the next round and get all the money, i.e. a Super League!
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