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231 "I mean, funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you?"

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  1. I’m away for a week, italian holidays. Might do something when i get back, a new thread maybe to not sidetrack crusadertsar’s awesome work. I’ll tey and get some ideas together and see of it works out
  2. I sometimes have one or both wingers cut inside with the ball, especially the one on attack, but depends on the player. I don't think it makes much of a difference, since in this system they play in a very varied way. I i like them to do their thing. Nothing else at the moment.
  3. Long time lurker and reader of your posts and blogs, i have been very often inspired by your work. I have been using heavily your principles in my Ajax (only academy signings) save that i have just started, and gave the tactics my little twist to suit the mess of a squad they have this year. It was a real challenge to sort it out with friendlies, but i have hit a magnificent sweet spot, and knoking Man utd out of Europa League prompted me to chime in with the appreciation of this playing style. I adapted the defensive 3-2 to suit my players, set up in a 4-3-3 with a little more gegen kick to it, and ended up with this And results have been astinishing, when i was expecting it to be a real struggle to compete with Feyenoord. The team just became more and more solid as the season progressed Some very interesting defensive statistics show how we are compact and concede almost nothing to our opponents, straight from buildup and ball recycling. We don't lose much of the ball, we are compact when we do and we don't concede much. When we lose the ball, we are very good at winning it back and playing it to look for chances Something to work on is the offensive side of the game. We score a lot, but we are not as clinical as i would like to be. I think it's down to pure player quality, our forwards are not the best goalscorers, but are much more suited at retaining the ball and distributing it with quality. So i'm not really concerned with this, but it can get frustrating at times. It cost us top of the group in Europa League, but it gave me the fantastic win with Man Utd in return, where Brobbey steps up with his big match quality. I can't wait to develop the squad with this playing style DNA, i am already imprinting it in Jong and under 18 players with training, and identifying some to promote when big money offers come for my stars.
  4. Very small touch, but i really love that we get an inbox message now for a new manager appointed in our league (at least I hope so, i got one in the first week of my FM23 imported save). Very nice QOL touch, i never used to be able to keep up with this
  5. I’ve just come here from the future, tomorrow everyone is complaining about too many long shots. or wait, was that 2016?
  6. Udinese: Thauvin-Samardzic-Deulofeu behind Beto
  7. Udinese? They have Beto-Deulofeu-Thauvin-Samardzic and a very good defense
  8. I’m sure i read it when it came out, but i have a flight on thursday and i’ll make sure to give it another read to refresh memory. Thanks for your answer
  9. Very informative and a thorough insight into some differences i wasn’t very sure before this. Are there some player traits you think would be good or that could harm a regista specificly, other than the usual ones for a playmaking role? can’t wait to read the rest of the series too, there are not many articles that dive deep into 3 at the back systems, especially as peculiar as this one
  10. Looking forward to them all. Especially the regista, as i am trying it out more now. But all will be helpful, i have been enjoying 3 atb systems for 3 years now
  11. That's what i'm thinking too. It's a shame because some players i would like them to have that, and even though i would never play them as center back, being accomplished in game blocks it
  12. Here, Youri Regeer is natural at MC, DR and WR it does not appear for me. He only has tries long range passes as a trait currently. I don't understand why many players have this for me. Maybe the accomplished CB?
  13. Yes, but he's also natural at mc. Another one that cannot learn it is Florian Grillitsch. I think i'm noticing that only natural players in the AM strata can learn it, but i'm still looking around
  14. i've tried multiple coaches, it seems to be a trend with players on multiple positions, even if versatile and fully fit to do the job i'm asking them. I'm out of ideas. One example is not managing to teach Jurrein Timber to play one-twos
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