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20 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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    nienawidzimy wszystkich

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  1. I mean - the whole profile of Sebastian Szymański is totally messed up and I have no idea how it got through the verification. And I don't care about his pace - this is horribly wrong and makes the researchers for Fener/Turkish league look bad, but I kinda understand the logic with balancing the attributes for central midfielders* and won't argue with that, but man - the rest? Like he might be the best Polish player ever to be included in the official db and it's so unfair, that I don't even know where to start. *however he is not your stereotypical central midfielder as he started as a pacey winger with a very high motor and there is a lot of proof for that in previous databases (and verified by researchers for various teams/leagues)
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