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200 "I mean, funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you?"

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  1. Yeah, I just bought the "Lower leagues to Champions League script pack". It's a new DLC, not too expensive, check it out.
  2. Totally scripted. Always starts with eleven on eleven players and a ref, no variation here. SI, do your job and fix this trainwreck!
  3. Please tone down the press interaction when the manager is unemployed. I keep getting questions from literally all over the World asking me if I'd be interested in managing some club I've never heard of, even though I've worked in Europe all the time. Also, my reputation is way above the club's in mention and I'm in the race to take over a top European side. Just imagine Klopp getting asked if he's interested in the job at PSDS Deli Serdang in Indonesia, because their manager is about to get the sack. I mean, come on.
  4. I always load all the leagues and a large DB, so getting a new job is pretty easy. It all depends on your reputation.
  5. SI have announced the inverted poacher for FM25. It's a very aggressive striker who's constantly trying to break his own team's offside trap.
  6. I had similar things happen to me, too. I just bit the bullet and reloaded until I had the same result. Having a favourable result after reloading just wasn't the same, even if it was because of a crash.
  7. That's what I told my board last time they were about to sack me. Didn't help.
  8. @JimmysTheBestCop Dude, you keep hijacking threads all over the board with this transparency and J League bs. Maybe you should go out more often instead of getting all emotional over a video game.
  9. Is it really so? I mean, that's just your anecdotal claim, do you have any proof for that?
  10. I don't get it. You want to simulate a scenario where you're in a club with a lot of money, but you're not willing to spend it? Also, how else would you want to convince good players to play in a lower league than by offering them good wages? "Yeah, we know you're way too good for the National League, and yeah, we have a lot of money, but this is the National League so we're offering you National League money. Interested?"
  11. It's just my opinion, but they should align with what you want them to do on the pitch to refine your tactic. I mean, if you want a central defender who takes long shots and does bicycle kicks because that's exactly what you need, go for it.
  12. On the competition's screen: History -> Records
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