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Issue Comments posted by yellowsweatygorilla

  1. On 26/10/2022 at 15:06, Lenaldo said:

    Sadly I've played on since so the save has been overwritten, however, checking the finances screen at the end of the season showed "league fines £0" under expenditure so I don't think I actually got fined, 2nd season has the same issue however of showing that I've failed to meet the criteria and warning me of the fine despite passing the 2000 minute mark halfway through the season. I'm going to guess its just the message appearing which needs fixing rather than any actual fine.

    Uploaded the save regardless at its current point if it helps in any way. File name is: Maple-AtleticoOttawa.fm

    League fines have never been levied since the league was added in 2019 even if you breached this rule, despite teh announcements. So unfortunately, not indicative of anything.

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