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Posts posted by kiad_

  1. 2 hours ago, Fosse said:

    Post you r full detailed tactical set up. At surface level it seems that you're perhaps too aggressive and over committing 

    I switch things around a bit, but this was the last game (which was a 2-2 draw with Sampdoria). I've included a screenshot of the Genoa match to highlight a very nervy 1-0 in a game that I should have destroyed (I used the same set up for that game)




  2. I'm having a bit of a problem with my team at the moment. I'm finding that I am bossing games in all the stats but am coming away with poor final results. A typical game will have +60% possession with maybe 15-20 shots (3-5 CCC) and another 15-20 corners (of which I have a conversion rate of about 1%). I will be outplaying the opposition and coming close to scoring, only to concede to a free kick or some other ****** goal. This causes me to play from behind a lot and it's very frustrating. Even the games I win are by narrow margins. I've tried changing formations and PIs but it seems like every game goes the same way. I'm playing as Roma so it's not like I am a mid table team, but when I'm barely hanging on 1-0 at home to Palermo I know that something is not right.

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