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Posts posted by Branquinho1997

  1. Em 01/05/2024 em 22:34, civilEN disse:

    If it didn't bug so much it would be amazing

    errors in stages that don't exist, crashes and teams going to random divisions that shouldn't go

    I'm creating a db with more than 1000 leagues and I'm seriously thinking about giving up because of these bugs

    but 0 support for amazing features like city leagues and football schools

    dude i have a bug related to relegations with ffp that is waiting to be solved since january 2023.... we are nearing the next iteration of fm and this thing is still not solved. this game is in shambles


  2. Here are my files , all validated, when reaching 25th of june 2022, it crashes

    Already moved my graphics out of the folder, cleared cache, verified the files again and still crashes

    can somebody help me?

    I will leave the dumps just in case it goes to the devs

    208538431_AdvancedRulesPortugal.fmf alemanha.fmf espanha.fmf General DB.fmf holanda.fmf Inglaterra.fmf italia.fmf russia com uefa.fmf d9ebd422-485b-475b-8fba-f83e199ed17a.dmp 1e0faeb1-aa09-461c-837f-1e9f48d6cdcb.dmp 59c272a9-6b21-4696-bef4-a19a8d7d6655.dmp 8de9034a-decb-4e46-b07c-25bdc34fa8b1.dmp

  3. I have edited files, i create a new save, i save and then exit to main menu, when i reload the save, it appears that the savegame cant be loaded.

    Tried putting the saves on the cloud, same thing happens, save crashes and no longer loads

    save files from cloud will be uploaded to si cloud

    When i start a new save with no files , it works with no issues...

    I want to start a new save with my files and they were working so, can someone please help???

    Already unistalled, reinstalled, clear cache,preferences, etc.... 

    editor data.rar

  4. 28 minutos atrás, metal_guitarist disse:

    This is an issue with the data editor, not with the data itself. Please try the Editors Hideaway for help or post in the bug forum should a bug be identified. There is no need to be rude to researchers, particularly when you're posting in the wrong thread to begin with. 

    Editors Hideaway: Editors Hideaway - Sports Interactive Community (sigames.com)

    Bug Forum: Pre-Game and In-Game Editor - Sports Interactive Community (sigames.com)

    Edit- I notice you've posted similar messages in other threads. These will be removed, as above, please go to the Editors section for help. 

    Sorry but this was the confirmation that i wanted since the dude wasnt sure of the info.

    Will post there and see if it gets fixed. 

  5. Another thing that is bothering me right now, and its still not freaking fixed , is I set up for the league to provide TV money and the stupid clubs got fetch some stupid individual deal worth less that i inputed.

    Can the game simply follow my instructions for once??????

    Fix this please as i want the league to provide the money , not to the club to fetch the deal, I WANT TO CENTRALIZE THE TV MONEY


    Desktop Screenshot 2021.02.12 -

    Desktop Screenshot 2021.02.12 -

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