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Posts posted by Peterzinho

  1. Upon inserting salaries and contract dates for president / managing director / director, etc ... No data are transported into a save game ...

    As there is a separate category in the cost reporting, I wanted to check the relation between directly inserting salaries and the amounts that are being reported at the end of each month.

    I can upload the editor file if needed for analysis

  2. A graphic in the individual player stat where the evolution of the market value is shown over time ... The increase ( when playing for a team that wins titles ) and decrease ( in case of injuries ) in a graphical form would be a value add and also an add on for people to evaluate a player in a more detailled level

  3. Solidarity payments that we receive for players that were part of the club in the past are not properly identified.

    They are included in the transfer revenue of the month in question, but should be properly identified in the revenue overview as "solidarity payment"


    For the outgoing transfers where the x % that is being deducted from the transfer sum that we receive is identified as transfer cost ( lump sum )

    Can we have the same category introduced as for revenues ( solidarity payments ) ?


  4. A player has different cost factors belonging to them : salary / loyalty bonus / game bonus and yearly bonus

    In order to have a better and complete overview of the different "cost categories" in one overview ... According to the team allocation ( main squad / B squad / U18 or U19 squad ... And possibility U23 squad ) ...

    We already have the categories in the total overview ( expenditure ) but like loans & debts or sponsorship deals ... Knowing the details would be a value add for financial analysis purposes ...


    The same could apply for the technical staff and then I mean especially two categories : monthly vcosts and one time costs 

    One time costs in my opinion are termination money we pay to kick them out ... Clauses that we pay to hire new staff and the intensive language courses ...

    It would be good to have a separate overview on this for analysis and planning purposes ( especially looking at the total salary budget aspect )


  5. A complete separation of the coaching staff of the different teams within one club ...

    Sub 23 squad has their trainer but upon allocating training tasks, coaches from the main squad appear and can be used ... 

    The coaching staff of each team can only coach the team to which they have been approached ( upon signing or renewing a contract ) 

  6. On 03/04/2019 at 11:43, AvPCelticPredator said:

    What's wrong with you?
    Like I see you are really sarcastic person, so stay off my comments, dont quotte my posts.

    And in my comment no have any negative feedback, is my suggestion and reason why I wont buy the game to play, cuz for last 10 years they didnt try to add Bosnian league, but they can add Gibraltar or Kosovo...!

    So, stay back of me, and enjoy in your life!


  7. On 30/03/2019 at 13:04, AvPCelticPredator said:

    Where is "Bosnian League"?

    I wish to buy but only if you add "Bosnian League"!

    For 10 years u cannot to add this league but u can add more weaker league whos founded in last few years in real life!

    It's really embarrassing. :herman:

    So start working on the Bosnian database ... Do the field work to check the games and evaluate the players ... Work there 

    From the posts I have seen here, you can't accept any comments if people don't agree with you but you only know to provide negative feedback ...


  8. Whenever you have a pre season tour with your team in the near from the official and constant harbour ( e.g. If with a team from Lisbon you have your pre season camp in Cascais or Sintra  - about 40km distance )

    It doesn't make sense to play the friendly games during those days in your own stadium ... There are enough smaller stadiums in the surroundings of the place where you actually are on camp ...

    It makes it more real than this situation ( it is the same if you have a pre season camp abroad ... You will never use the bigger stadiums for this, but always the secondary ones - e.g. Switzerland and/or Italy ) 

  9. I feel that there is currently still a lack of clarity in the reporting of the monthly results, however it is already better then 3-4 years ago ...

    What is feel is missing is a detailled reporting part ( graphics if possible ) of the fixed costs : e.g. wages of players / bonuses and and staff wages ... 

    The players should have a detailled overview of what is included in each of the categories, because currently the variable part makes it impossible to perform a follow up.

    e.g. Staff wages should be stable on a monthly basis without any renewals or releases of coaches or others, but why are there then variations of more than a 100k from one to another month ...


    The same applies for the other tabs ( sponsorships and debts and loans ) where there is absolutely no direct connection between the figures there and the overview of expenditures for example ...

    e.g. Current FM Detail of debts and loans show a monthly payable amount of 2.1 million euro but then on a monthly basis there is payment of 2.6 million euro ... Where is the 500K coming from ... Have those two values interconnected 

    The same for the sponsorship deals ... Interconnect the values from the sponshorship deals with the corresponding line in the revenue

    ( e.g. a sponsor contract disappeared with the update, but the total received amount of sponsorship continues with this value included ) This is completely incorrect and should easily be corrected

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